Category: network management

IOS auto-upgrade

I've noticed the IOS auto-upgrade functionality when the IOS software release 12.4(15)T was launched, but it was missing from the 1800 images, so I wrote a note in the "to-test" folder and forgot about it. In the meantime, the code obviously appeared in IOS images, as Joe Harris managed to get the auto-ugprade from CCO to work. However, the IOS documentation lacks "a few" details, while Joe's post has a step-by-step explanation.
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Another Way to Generate SNMP Trap on High CPU Load

When testing the ERM functionality that together with an EEM applet generates SNMP traps whenever the CPU load exceeds predefined thresholds, I started to wonder what the snmp-server enable traps cpu threshold command does.

After lenghty conversation with uncle Google and Cisco documentation, I found that there's another way to detect and report high CPU load in Cisco IOS: the CPU threshold notification introduced in IOS release 12.3T.

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Generate SNMP trap on high CPU load

Gernot Nusshall has asked an interesting question:
How could I configure the EEM to send an SNMP trap when the cpu load (interval=30sec) is higher than 30%?
My first solution was to enable resource policy traps with the snmp-server enable traps resource-policy, but this feature was introduced in 12.4(15)T and I am not sure everyone is willing to run the latest-and-greatest IOS code. Furthermore, it looks like the traps are sent only for resource policies defined through the ERM MIB; I was not able to generate a trap from a manually configured resource policy. Obviously it was time for another EEM applet.
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Use UDP flood to increase router's CPU load

If you want to test the ERM policies in a controlled environment, it's almost mandatory to have tools that allow you to overload the router. One way to overload a router is to flood it with UDP packets. Flooding a router's IP address, you're guaranteed to raise the CPU to 100%, with majority of the process CPU being used by the IP Input process (the interrupt CPU load will also be significant).

This phenomenon illustrates very clearly why it's so important to have inbound access lists protecting the router's own IP addresses on all edge interfaces.

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Predefine your own Tcl functions

If you want to have your own Tcl functions available when you start tclsh, you could use the scripting tcl init file configuration command that I've briefly mentioned in one of the previous posts. This command specifies a source file that is executed every time you start Tcl shell. The source file can contain function definitions, package declarations or any other Tcl code.

If you need to, you can specify multiple initialization files.

For example, if you'd like to implement a comfortable Tcl-based pinger (similar to the one Ethan Banks found in the Sadikhov forums, store the following Tcl code into the file flash:pinger.tcl

proc pinger { iplist } {
  foreach ip $iplist {
    if { [regexp "(!!!)" [exec "ping $ip timeout 1" ]] } {
      puts "$ip"
    } else { puts "$ip **** failed ***" }
… and configure scripting tcl init flash:pinger.tcl. Now you can ping a number of hosts in a single operation:
R1(tcl)#pinger { } **** failed *** **** failed ***

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When “copy” actually means “merge”

Marcus Jensen asked me a very interesting question:

I want to send 3 lines of configuration to a remote router, but I know the first line will kill my connection. Can I save these 3 lines of code to a text file, and then issue a Tcl command to add those to the running config?

The solution is much simpler and does not have to involve Tcl at all. The copy something system:running-config command merges the configuration commands in the source file with the current running configuration.

You can store the configuration commands you want to execute in a local file (even in NVRAM) or you could execute them directly off a file server (using HTTP, FTP, TFTP or SCP protocol).

This article is part of You've asked for it series.

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Enhanced show interfaces command

It's amazing how many options (most of them still undocumented) the show interfaces command accepts in IOS release 12.4T (I won't even start guessing when each one was introduced, if you're running old IOS releases, please feel free to comment):

  • show interfaces description displays interface names, L1 and L2 status (line and line-protocol status) and interface description. Extremely handy if you want to check which interfaces are up/down.
  • show interfaces counters protocol status displays the L3 protocols active on each interface.
  • show interfaces summary displays the state of various interface queues and related drop counters in a nice tabular format.
  • show interfaces accounting displays per-protocol in/out counters.

Here are a few sample printouts:

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Kron: poor-man's cron

When two groups within Cisco needed time-based command execution in Cisco IOS, they (in a typical big-corporation fashion) decided to implement the same wheel from two different sets of spokes and rims. One group built the Embedded Event Manager with its event timer cron command (introduced in 12.2(25)S and 12.3(14)T), the other group created the more limited kron command set (introduced in 12.3(1)).

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Download router configurations via TFTP

In a previous post, I've described how you can turn your router into a TFTP server. As you can configure the router to serve any file residing on it, you can also pull startup and running configuration from it with TFTP, providing that you configure:
tftp-server nvram:startup-config
tftp-server system:running-config

Warning: Due to total lack of any security features in TFTP protocol, use this functionality only in lab environment.

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Send an e-mail when an interface goes down

John S. Pumphrey recently asked an interesting question: “Can the router send an e-mail when an interface goes down?” The enterprisey solution is obvious: deploy a high-end EMS to collect SNMP traps and use its API to write a custom module that would use a MQ interface to alert the operator. Fortunately, Event Manager applets in Cisco IOS provide action mail command (available in 12.3(14)T and 12.4) that can send an e-mail to a SMTP server straight from the router.

There are two ways you can detect that an interface went down with EEM: either you track the interface status with a track object and start an EEM applet when the track object changes state or you catch the syslog messages reporting that the interface line protocol changed state to down. The second approach is obviously more generic, as a single applet can act on multiple interfaces.

event manager applet MailOnIfDown
 event syslog occurs 1 →
    pattern "LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN.*to down" →
    period 1


  • If you want to limit the applet to serial interfaces only, you could change the pattern to LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN.*Serial.*to down.
  • The → continuation character is used to indicate that a single configuration line has been split to increase readability.

The action mail command specifies the mail server's address (use a hostname and DNS lookup or ip host configuration command to make the EEM applet more generic), from and to address, message subject and body. In each of these fields, you can use EEM environment variables that you can define with the event manager environment configuration command. Each EEM event also defines a few environment variables that you can use (see the table of EEM system-defined variables on CCO). For example, you can define the e-mail recipient in the router's configuration and use the _syslog_msg variable to include the syslog message in the e-mail body:

event manager environment _ifDown_rcpt [email protected]
event manager applet MailOnIfDown
 event syslog occurs 1 →
    pattern "LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN.*to down" →
    period 1
 action 1.0 mail server "mail-gw" →
    to "$_ifDown_rcpt" from "[email protected]" →
    subject "Interface down on R1" →
    body "$_syslog_msg"

You can make the applet even more generic with the help of action info type routername command, which stores the current router's name into the $_info_routername environment variable:

event manager environment _ifDown_rcpt [email protected]
event manager applet MailOnIfDown
 event syslog occurs 1 →
    pattern "LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN.*to down" →
    period 1
 action 1.0 info type routername
 action 2.0 mail server "mail-gw" →
    to "$_ifDown_rcpt

" from "$" →
    subject "Interface down on $_info_routername" →
    body "$_syslog_msg"

Note: This article is part of You've asked for it series.

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SNMP with Tcl

Looking from the outside, it looks like Tcl SNMP routines in Cisco IOS were designed by a commitee or came straight from Dilbert. The snmp_getone function that reads a single SNMP value does not return an array or a list (as one would expect), but a string representation of something that looks like an XML object (but is not, since its attributes are not properly quoted). As Tcl on Cisco IOS has no built-in XML support, parsing the return values is a pure joy (and a nice exercise in writing regular expressions).

The following excerpt of a telnet session shows how to extract a single SNMP value in Tcl (I've used extra steps and an interactive tclsh session for illustration purposes). The SNMP community has to be configured in advance with the snmp-server community test ro configuration command.
rtr(tcl)#set value [snmp_getone test system.3.0]
{<obj oid='sysUpTime.0' val='14886'/>}
rtr(tcl)#regexp -inline {oid='(.*)'.*val='(.*)'} $value
{oid='sysUpTime.0' val='14886'} sysUpTime.0 14886
rtr(tcl)#regexp {oid='(.*)'.*val='(.*)'} $value ignore oid result
rtr(tcl)#puts $result
And now for a complete example: the following script prints the router uptime.
# Simple Tcl script to print system uptime
set value [snmp_getone test system.3.0]
regexp {oid='(.*)'.*val='(.*)'} $value ignore oid result
set result [expr $result / 100]
puts "Router uptime is $result seconds"
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Turn your flash card into an ATA drive

The flash memory available in newer router platforms (at the very minimum the ISR routers and 37xx series) is capable of being used as a regular disk drive (for example, to store system logging information), but it might be formatted as a traditional Low-End File System (LEFS) flash card (more likely if the router was not manufactured recently). To change the flash card format to disk-like FAT32 format, use the format flash: privileged-level command (and don't forget to store the IOS image to another location before formatting the flash). After the format process is complete, you can create subdirectories on the flash: memory and use it as a regular disk device.
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Show IP access lists attached to an interface

When developing yet another Tcl script, I've stumbed across an interesting show command: the show ip access-list interface name introduced in IOS release 12.4(6)T displays the contents of the inbound and outbound IP access-list applied to the specified interface. The really nice part is that the ACL statistics (number of matches displayed next to the ACL lines) are kept and displayed per-interface.
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Router as a TFTP server

Shaun needed an extra TFTP server in CCNP labs and asked whether you could use a router to act as one. The read-only (download only) TFTP functionality has been available in Cisco IOS for a long time, but the common wisdom was that you could only use the TFTP server function to serve current IOS image.

Fortunately, as of IOS 11.0, the function is more generic; you can serve any file residing on the router (you still cannot upload files), but you have to declare each file to be served with the tftp-server path global configuration command. You could even specify an alias to have the file available under a different name and attach an access list to each configured file to restrict its availability.

Note: This article is part of You've asked for it series.

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