Blog Posts in January 2008
TCAM on Catalyst switches
Catalyst switches have an interesting internal architecture that uses a Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM) to perform a variety of lookups. For example:
- If a CAM entry matches on destination MAC address, it performs L2 switching (aka bridging)
- If it matches on destination IP address, it performs L3 switching (aka routing)
- If it matches on a combination of source/destination IP addresses and ports, it can be used to implement access lists, QoS mechanisms or policy routing
To make things even more interesting, multiple TCAM entries use the same mask (don't care bits) as explained in the Understanding ACL on Catalyst 6500 Series Switches white paper. Most of that information also applies to the Catalyst 3750 platform, more details are available in the Understanding and Configuring Switching Database Manager on Catalyst 3750 Series Switches document (here is the corresponding document for Catalyst 3550). As the TCAM size on Catalyst 3750 might not be large enough, you can split it in various ways with the SDM templates.
Redistributing Customer Routes into BGP
I'm often promoting the idea of separating customer routing from core routing in the design articles I write. The only viable solution (unless you want to implement MPLS VPN and migrate customer routing into VPNv4) is to carry customer routes in BGP, redistributing them into BGP from other routing sources. On the other hand, I’m telling you that you should advertise only static IP prefixes into the public Internet. Obviously there’s a seeming disconnect between the two advices.
However, the dilemma is easily solved with the no-export BGP community that prevents an IP prefix from being advertised over EBGP sessions. Whenever you redistribute customer routes into BGP, you should attach the no-export community to them, ensuring that only the statically advertised IP prefixes will be propagated outside of your AS boundaries.
… updated on Friday, November 20, 2020 15:27 UTC
BGP Peer Session and Policy Templates
Configuring a large number of similar BGP peers on a router and ensuring that the changes in your routing policy or BGP design are applied to all of them can be a management nightmare. BGP peer groups were the only scalability tool available on Cisco IOS until the IOS release 12.3T and they had significant limitations as they were also used as a performance improvement tool.
IOS releases 12.0S and 12.3T introduced peer templates, a scalable hierarchical way of configuring BGP session parameters and inbound/outbound policies. For example, to configure the session parameters for all your IBGP sessions, use the following session template:
router bgp 65001
template peer-session IBGP
remote-as 65001
description IBGP peers
password s3cr3t
update-source Loopback0
After the session template has been configured, adding a new IBGP peer takes just a single configuration command (two if you want to add neighbor description):
router bgp 65001
neighbor inherit peer-session IBGP
neighbor description R2
Policy templates are similar to session templates, and contain neighbor parameters that influence processing of prefixes of an individual BGP address family (example: filtering of inbound updates).
Continuing the IBGP example, you might want to group route reflector clients in a policy template, and ensure the route reflector propagating all BGP communities to them:
router bgp 65001
template peer-policy Internal
send-community both
After defining a policy template, you can apply it to multiple address families, for example:
router bgp 65001
neighbor inherit peer-session IBGP
neighbor description R2
address-family ipv4
neighbor activate
neighbor inherit peer-policy Internal
address-family vpnv4
neighbor activate
neighbor inherit peer-policy Internal
Telnet/SSH session cannot be started from EEM applet
event manager applet SSH
event none
action 0.9 cli command "enable"
action 1.0 cli command "ssh -l ssUser R2" pattern "word:"
action 1.1 cli command "ssPassword" pattern "#"
action 2.0 cli command "clear ip route *" pattern "#"
action 3.0 cli command "exit" pattern "#"
My applet got past the SSH authentication (debugging on R2 confirmed that the SSH session was started) but could not send data through the session itself (it hung on the clear ip route command).
This article is part of You've asked for it series.
The short story of the “ip default-network” command
What's really happening is this:
- If the parameter of the ip default-network command is a major network, it specifies the default route (how it gets inserted into the routing protocol you're using is a completely different story).
- If the parameter is a subnet of a major network, it specifies the default subnet for the network.
In any case, it's an obscure leftover from the classful days that should probably never be used today outside of a CCIE lab.
Hyperlinked RFCs
A variety of third-party web sites have tried to fill the gap by providing RFCs in hyperlinked or PDF format. I've tried a few of them and usually got turned away by inconsistent or broken links.
Finally, IETF recognized that we live in the third millenium and started offering IETF documents (including RFCs) with HTML markup. To get hyperlinked versions of the RFCs, go to IETF tools web site and enter RFC number or use Google to search the IETF repository.
OSPF Default Route Based on IP SLA
Olivier Guillemain has asked an interesting question: “how could I originate a default route into OSPF based on IP SLA (for example, based on pinging a remote IP address)?”
This is very easy to do when the router originating the default route into OSPF needs an SLA-based default route itself:
- Configure IP SLA and a corresponding track object;
- Configure a default route using reliable static routing
- Advertise the default route into OSPF with the default-information originate router configuration command
The solution is a bit more complex when the router originating the default route into OSPF should not have a default route. In this case, you could use a routing trick:
- Configure IP SLA and a corresponding track object as before;
- Use reliable static routing to configure a static host route for a bogus IP address (for example, pointing to null0 (for example, ip route null 0 track 100). Obviously, this host route should not be redistributed into any routing protocol.
- Conditionally advertise default route into OSPF based on presence of the static host route.
Advertising Public IP Prefixes into the Internet
The routing information you source into the public Internet with BGP should be as accurate and stable as possible. The best way to achieve this goal is to statically configure the IP prefixes you’ve been allocated on your core routers and advertise them into BGP:
- BGP will only advertise an IP prefix if a matching entry is found in the IP routing table. To ensure the IP prefix you want to advertise is always present, configure an IP static route to null interface, unless you're advertising a connected interface (example: Internet edge router on a DMZ segment).
- Most public IP prefixes advertised today do not fall on the classful network boundary. To advertise a classless prefix, you have to configure the prefix and the mask in the BGP routing process.
Configuring Internal BGP Sessions
Internal BGP (IBGP) sessions (BGP sessions within your autonomous system) are identified by the neighbor’s AS number being identical to your AS number. While the external BGP (EBGP) sessions are usually established between directly connected routers, IBGP sessions are expected to be configured across the network.
The current best practice is to configure IBGP sessions between the loopback interfaces of the BGP neighbors, ensuring that the TCP session between them (and the BGP adjacency using the TCP session) will not be disrupted after a physical link failure as long as there is an alternate path toward the adjacent router.
The history of Cisco CLI
Restart IOS DHCP server after a change in DHCP pools
- I've added a Linux box to my home network;
- It used my Cisco router to get a dynamic DHCP address;
- I've inspected the DHCP bindings on the Cisco router to find the new MAC address and configured a host DHCP pool as I'm using the Linux box as a server;
- Even after multiple configuration changes, the IOS would fail to use the host DHCP pool.
The only solution I've found was to restart the IOS DHCP server with the no service dhcp followed by service dhcp configuration commands. Obviously, you lose all DHCP bindings when you restart the DHCP server (which could be a problem if you use conflict logging) unless you've configured the router to store them in an external file.
Setup DNS server in your lab
Copy the text files into router's flash through a Telnet session
If the file in question is a text file, and the router supports Tcl shell, _danshtr_ documented an interesting trick: you create the file in Tclsh interpreter, cut-and-paste the text through the telnet session into a Tcl string and write the string to the file. If you want to have a more cryptic solution here it is:
- Start tclsh;
- Enter puts [open "flash:filename" w+] {. Do not hit the ENTER key at the end of the line
- Copy-paste the file contents. The contents should not include unmatched curly right brackets (every curly right bracket has to be preceded by a matching curly left bracket).
- After the file contents have been pasted, enter } and press ENTER.
- End the tclsh session with tclquit.
WAN emulation toolkit
The Never-Ending Story of IP Fragmentation
In the last few months I ran across a number of IP fragmentation issues. Unfortunately I also encountered a lot of misconceptions about IP fragmentation, its impact on GRE and IPSec, as well as the fragmentation-related mechanisms like MTU Path Discovery. I documented most of what I found in the The Never-Ending Story of IP Fragmentation.
DHCP Conflict between a Cisco Router and Windows DHCP Server
In a response to my post Redundant DHCP Server I've speculated that a Cisco router should coexist with a Windows-based DHCP server if you configure them with non-overlapping address ranges. I was wrong, Edgar Cahuana discovered that Microsoft's DHCP server wants to have complete control over the LAN it's serving and shuts down if it detects another DHCP server on the same LAN.
To make the two DHCP servers coexist, you have to disable rogue DHCP server detection in Windows DHCP server.
Fix a BGP AS Number Mismatch
Sometimes you end up having wrong BGP AS number throughout your network. It could be a result of an unexpected merger or split or you could have started using a private BGP AS number and realized you have to connect to the Internet using a real AS number. The proper solution would be a total reconfiguration of the whole network, but of course not many engineers have the time and courage to do it ;), so it's time to introduce another kludge: the neighbor local-as configuration command.
Simplify your lab work
If you do a lot of tests in a router lab, you're probably getting upset when you have to retype the login and enable password whenever you log into a router. What I do in my labs is to disable VTY login, set the default privilege level to 15 and disable exec timeout (to stop the router from terminating my session).
line con 0
exec-timeout 0 0
privilege level 15
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 0 0
privilege level 15
no login
Obviously, this would not bring you additional points on the CCIE lab exam :)
Configure the default route based on the presence of a BGP session
Define new IOS commands with the alias functionality
For example, if want to have the ipconfig command that displays interface IP configuration, you can configure alias exec ipconfig show ip interface. When you execute ipconfig ifname the alias is expanded into show ip interface ifname and displays the IP configuration of a single interface.