Blog Posts in September 2024
IS-IS Labs: Configure IS-IS Routing for IPv4
In the first exercise in the IS-IS labs series, you’ll configure IS-IS routing for IPv4. The basic configuration is trivial, but you’ll also have to tweak the defaults that most vendors got wrong (we’ll discuss why those defaults are wrong in the next lab exercises).

I also tried to make the IS-IS labs more than just lab exercises. Each exercise includes a bit of background information or IS-IS theory; this one describes generic OSI addresses (NSAPs) and router addresses (NETs).
… updated on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 09:39 +0100
SR Linux Containers Run on Apple Silicon
When looking for the latest SR Linux container image, I noticed images with -arm-preview tags and wondered whether they would run on Apple Silicon.
Here’s what you have to do to make SR Linux work with netlab running on a Ubuntu VM on Apple silicon:
One-Arm Hub-and-Spoke VPN with MPLS/VPN
All our previous designs of the hub-and-spoke VPN (single PE, EVPN) used two VRFs for the hub device (ingress VRF and egress VRF). Is it possible to build a one-arm hub-and-spoke VPN where the hub device exchanges traffic with the PE router over a single link?
TL&DR: Yes, but only on some devices (for example, Cisco IOS or FRRouting) when using MPLS transport.
Here’s a high-level diagram of what we’d like to achieve:
IBGP Load Balancing with BGP Link Bandwidth
In the previous BGP load balancing lab exercise, I described the BGP Link Bandwidth attribute and how you can use it on EBGP sessions. This lab moves the unequal-cost load balancing into your network; we’ll use the BGP Link Bandwidth attribute on IBGP sessions.

IPv6: Instructions for Use
Retirement obviously does not sit well with my friend Tiziano Tofoni; the English version of his IPv6 book just came out.
It is a bit sad, though, that we still need “how to use IPv6” books when the protocol is old enough to enjoy a nice glass of whiskey (in the US) trying to drown its sorrow at its slow adoption.
Custom netlab Reports
A previous blog post described how you can use the netlab report functionality to generate addressing, wiring, BGP, and OSPF reports from a running lab. But what could you do if you need a report that doesn’t exist yet? It’s straightforward to define one (what else did you expect?).
Let’s create the report I used in the EVPN Hub-and-Spoke Layer-3 VPN blog post to create the VRF table.
EVPN Hub-and-Spoke Layer-3 VPN
Now that we figured out how to implement a hub-and-spoke VPN design on a single PE-router, let’s do the same thing with EVPN. It turns out to be trivial:
- We’ll split the single PE router into three PE devices (pe_a, pe_b, and pe_h)
- We’ll add a core router (p) and connect it with all three PE devices.
As we want to use EVPN and have a larger core network, we’ll also have to enable VLANs, VXLAN, BGP, and OSPF on the PE devices.
This is the topology of our expanded lab:
Hub-and-Spoke VPN on a Single PE-Router
Yesterday’s blog post discussed the traffic flow and the routing information flow in a hub-and-spoke VPN design (a design in which all traffic between spokes flows through the hub site). It’s time to implement and test it, starting with the simplest possible scenario: a single PE router using inter-VRF route leaking to connect the VRFs.
Hub-and-Spoke VPN Topology
Hub-and-spoke topology is by far the most complex topology I’ve ever encountered in the MPLS/VPN (and now EVPN) world. It’s used when you want to push all the traffic between sites attached to a VPN (spokes) through a central site (hub), for example, when using a central firewall.

You get the following diagram when you model the traffic flow requirements with VRFs. The forward traffic uses light yellow arrows, and the return traffic uses dark orange ones.
New Project: IS-IS Hands-On Labs
A year after I started the open-source BGP configuration labs project, I was persuaded to do something similar for IS-IS. The first labs are already online (with plenty of additional ideas already in the queue), and you can run them on any device for which we implemented IS-IS support in netlab.
Want an easy start? Use GitHub Codespaces. Have a laptop with Apple Silicon? We have you covered ;)
EVPN Designs: Scaling IBGP with Route Reflectors
In the previous blog posts, we explored the simplest possible IBGP-based EVPN design and tried to figure out whether BGP route reflectors do more harm than good. Ignoring that tiny detail for the moment, let’s see how we could add route reflectors to our leaf-and-spine fabric.
As before, this is the fabric we’re working with:
Routing Table and BGP RIB on SR Linux
Ages ago, I described how “traditional” network operating systems used the BGP Routing Information Base (BGP RIB), the system routing table (RIB), and the forwarding table (FIB). Here’s the TL&DR:
- Routes received from BGP neighbors are stored in BGP RIB.
- Routes redistributed into BGP from other protocols are (re)created in the BGP RIB.
- BGP selects the best routes in BGP RIB using its convoluted set of rules.
- Best routes from the BGP RIB are advertised to BGP neighbors
- Best routes from the BGP RIB compete (based on their administrative distance) against routes from other routing protocols to enter the IP routing table (system RIB)
- Routes from the system RIB are copied into FIB after their next hops are fully evaluated (a process that might involve multiple recursive lookups).
Repost: Why Are Layer-2 VPNs So Popular?
Béla Várkonyi wrote a succinct comment explaining why so many customers prefer layer-2 VPNs over layer-3 VPNs:
The reason of L2VPN is becoming more popular by service providers and customers is about provisioning complexity.
Worth Exploring: Free, OpenSource IPv6 Textbook
Nick Buraglio and Brian E. Carpenter published a free, open-source IPv6 textbook.
The book seems to be in an early (ever-evolving) stage, but it’s well worth exploring if you’re new to the IPv6 world, and you might consider contributing if you’re a seasoned old-timer.
It would also be nice to have a few online labs to go with it ;)