Category: design
DMVPN or Firewall-Based VPNs?
One of my readers sent me this question:
I'm having an internal debate whether to use firewall-based VPNs or DMVPN to connect several sites if our MPLS connection goes down. How would you handle it? Do you have specific courses answering this question?
As always, the correct answer is it depends, in this case on:
… updated on Thursday, December 15, 2022 10:07 UTC
The Three Paths of Enterprise IT
Everyone knows that Service Providers and Enterprise networks diverged decades ago. More precisely, organizations that offer network connectivity as their core business usually (but not always) behave differently from organizations that use networking to support their core business.
Obviously, there are grey areas: from people claiming to be service providers who can’t get their act together, to departments (or whole organizations) who run enterprise networks that look a lot like traditional service provider networks because they’re effectively an internal service provider.
Video: Building a Pure Layer-3 Data Center with Cumulus Linux
One of the design scenarios we covered in Leaf-and-Spine Fabric Architectures webinar is a pure layer-3 data center, and in the “how do I do this” part of that section Dinesh Dutt talked about the details you need to know to get this idea implemented on Cumulus Linux.
We covered a half-dozen design scenarios in that webinar; for an even wider picture check out the new Designing and Building Data Center Fabrics online course.
Solving the Problem in the Right Place
Sometimes I have this weird feeling that I’m the only loony in town desperately preaching against the stupidities heaped upon infrastructure, so it’s really nice when I find a fellow lost soul. This is what another senior networking engineer sent me:
I'm belonging to a small group of people who are thinking that the source of the problem are the apps and the associated business/security rules: their nature, their complexity, their lifecycle...
Sounds familiar (I probably wrote a few blog posts on this topic in the past), and it only got better.
Networking Trends Discussion with Andrew Lerner and Simon Richard: Part 2
In June 2017, we concluded the Building Next Generation Data Center online course with a roundtable discussion with Andrew Lerner, Research Vice President, Networking, and Simon Richard, Research Director, Data Center Networking @ Gartner.
In the second half of our discussion (first half is here) we focused on these topics:
Reducing the Number of Transported Routes
One of my friends sent me this design challenge:
Assume you’re migrating from another WAN transport technology to MPLS. The existing network has 3000 routes but the MPLS carrier is limiting you to 1000 routes. How could you solve this with MPLS?
Personally, I think MPLS is a red herring.
… updated on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 15:57 UTC
Redundancy Does Not Result in Resiliency
A while ago a large airline had a bad-hair day claiming it was caused by a faulty power supply. Not surprisingly, I got a question along the lines of “is that feasible?”
Short answer: Yes. However, someone should be really worried if that wasn’t made up.
Optimize Data Center Infrastructure: Virtualize Network Services
We’re almost done with our data center infrastructure optimization journey. In this step, we’ll virtualize the network services.
Swimlanes, Read-Write Transactions and Session State
Another question from someone watching my Designing Active-Active and Disaster Recovery Data Centers webinar (you know, the one where I tell people how to avoid the world-spanning-layer-2 madness):
In the video about parallel application stacks (swimlanes) you mentioned that one of the options for using the R/W database in Datacenter A if the user traffic landed in Datacenter B in which the replica of the database is read-only was to redirect the user browser with the purpose that the follow up HTTP POST land in Datacenter A.
Here’s the diagram he’s referring to:
Asymmetrical Traffic Flows and Complexity
One of my readers sent me a list of questions on asymmetrical traffic flows in IP networks, particularly in heavily meshed environments (where it’s really hard to ensure both directions use the same path) and in combination with stateful devices (firewalls in particular) in the forwarding path.
Unfortunately, there’s no silver bullet (and the more I think about this problem, the more I feel it’s not worth solving).
Optimize Data Center Infrastructure: Use Distributed File System
Another part of my data center infrastructure optimization presentation is transcribed, edited and published: use distributed file system (at least for VM disk images).
Leaf-and-Spine Fabrics: Implicit or Explicit Complexity?
During Shawn Zandi’s presentation describing large-scale leaf-and-spine fabrics I got into an interesting conversation with an attendee that claimed it might be simpler to replace parts of a large fabric with large chassis switches (largest boxes offered by multiple vendors support up to 576 40GE or even 100GE ports).
As always, you have to decide between implicit and explicit complexity.
Where Do You Want to Move the Complexity?
Michael Klose left an interesting remark on my Regional Internet Exits in Large DMVPN Deployment blog post saying…
Would BGP communities work? Each regional Internet Exit announce Default Route with a Region Community and all spokes only import default route for their specific region community.
That approach would definitely work. However, you have to decide where to move the complexity.
Optimize Data Center Infrastructure: Reduce the Number of Uplinks
The work of editing transcripts of my two switches presentation is (very slowly) moving forward. In the fourth part of the Optimize Your Data Center Infrastructure series I’m talking about reducing the number of uplinks.
Regional Internet Exits in Large DMVPN Deployment
One of my readers wanted to implement a large DMVPN cloud with regional Internet exit points:
We need to deploy a regional Internet exits and I’d like to centralize them. Each location with a local Internet exit will be in a region and that location will advertise a default-route into the DMVPN domain to only those spokes in that particular region.
He wasn’t particularly happy with the idea of deploying access and core DMVPN clouds: