Category: BGP

Estimating BGP Convergence Time

One of my readers sent me this question:

I have an Internet edge setup with two routers connected to two upstream ISPs and receiving full BGP routing table from them. I’m running iBGP between my Internet routers. Is there a formula to estimate convergence time if one of my uplinks fail? How many updates will I need to get the entire 512K routes in BGP table and also how much time it would take?

As always, the answer is it depends.

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RFC 7454: BGP Operations and Security

After almost exactly three years of struggles our BGP Operations and Security draft became RFC 7454 – a cluebat (as Gert Doering put it) you can use on your customers and peers to help them fix their BGP setup.

Without Jerome Durand this document would probably remain forever stuck in the draft phase. It’s amazing how many hurdles one has to jump over to get something published within IETF. Thanks a million Jerome, you did a fantastic job!

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BGP Deaggregation with Conditional Route Injection

Whenever there’s a weird request to do something totally illogical with BGP, there’s a knob in Cisco IOS to get it done (and increase the heartburn of CCIE candidates). Conditional Route Injection (the ability to insert more specific prefixes into BGP without having them in the IP routing table) is one of them.

Keep in mind: being a MacGyver is not a long-term strategy. Just because you can doesn’t mean that you should.

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Border6 Non-Stop Internet: a Commercial BGP-Based SDN

Several SDN solutions that coexist with the traditional control- and data planes instead of ripping them out and replacing them with the new awesomesauce use BGP to modify the network’s forwarding behavior.

Border6 decided to turn that concept into a commercial product that we dissected in Episode 12 of Software Gone Wild podcast.

Enjoy the show (this time in video format).

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The Four Paths to SDN

After the initial onslaught of SDN washing, four distinct approaches to SDN have started to emerge, from centralized control plane architectures to smart reuse of existing protocols.

As always, each approach has its benefits and drawbacks, and there’s no universally best solution. You just got four more (somewhat immature) tools in your toolbox. And now for the details.

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Do you really need to see all 512K Internet routes?

Last week the global routing table (as seen from some perspectives) supposedly exceeded 512K routes, and weird things started to happen to some people that are using old platforms that by default support 512K IPv4 routes in the switching hardware.

I’m still wondering whether the BGP table size was the root cause of the observed outages. Cisco’s documentation (at least this document) is pretty sloppy when it comes to the fact that usually 1K = 1024, not 1000 – I’d expect the hard limit to be @ 524.288 routes … but then maybe Cisco’s hardware works with decimal arithmetic.

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Changes in IBGP Next Hop Processing Drastically Improve BGP-based DMVPN Designs

I always recommended EBGP-based designs for DMVPN networks due to the significant complexity of running IBGP without an underlying IGP. The neighbor next-hop-self all feature introduced in recent Cisco IOS releases has totally changed my perspective – it makes IBGP-over-DMVPN the best design option unless you want to use DMVPN network as a backup for MPLS/VPN network.

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Real Life BGP Route Origination and BGP Next Hop Intricacies

During one of the ExpertExpress engagements I helped a company implement the BGP Everywhere concept, significantly simplifying their routing by replacing unstable route redistribution between BGP and IGP with a single BGP domain running across MPLS/VPN and DMVPN networks.

They had a pretty simple core site network, so we decided to establish an IBGP session between DMVPH hub router and MPLS/VPN CE router (managed by the SP).

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Scaling BGP-Based DMVPN Networks

Cristiano sent me an interesting question:

I saw that to configure BGP as the routing protocol running over DMVPN I have to configure BGP neighbors on the hub site router. Do I really have to configure all the neighbors on the hub site? How many neighbors could I configure? How can I scale that?

According to Cisco Live presentations, BGP-over-DMVPN scales to several thousand spoke sites (per hub router), so you shouldn’t be too worried about the protocol scalability. Configuring all those neighbors is a different issue.

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