BGP Routing in DMVPN Networks
Once you decide to use BGP as the routing protocol in your DMVPN network, you face a few more design choices:
- Should you use IBGP or EBGP?
- Should you use a unique AS number for every DMVPN site, or the same AS number on all spoke sites?
The BGP Routing in DMVPN Access Networks ExpertExpress case study describes these dilemmas in more details.
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Do you have any estimations regarding the number of BGP peers (spokes) per Hub?
Some years ago our company designed DMVPN with BGP, but Cisco experts put a veto, because of number of peers we were expecting.
We had to go into production with EIGRP that time.
It lends itself easily to address families/VRFs but the only way I could control my own AS numbers was with the replace-as function which feels dirty.
You might need a transport VRF though.