Interesting QoS problem on Catalyst 3750

Mohammad Faraz Rehan has encountered an interesting problem when using IP access-list based class/policy maps on Catalyst 3750:

When I try to apply the same service-policy to more than 15 interfaces, the configuration command fails and the switch generates the following syslog message:

%QOSMGR-4-POLICER_PLATFORM_NOT_SUPPORTED: Policer configuration has exceeded hardware limitation for policymap …

I've tried to help him with various TCAM-related information and in the end he found an interesting solution to the problem:

It looks like there is a limit related to using the same access-list/class-map/policy-map on multiple interfaces.

The first time I was applying the same policy-map (19 classes/19 ACLs/46 ACL lines) on all interfaces, but the switch would not accept it on more than 15 interfaces. Another test scenario had 18 classes/18 ACLs/52 ACL entries and the same policy-map would only work on 13 interfaces.

Now we implemented 24 different policy-maps, class-maps and ACLs remained the same, and the switch is happy.


  1. After pulling my hair out with 3750 configs and QoS, we eventually gave up and installed a 4500. I can now start growing my hair, :-)
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