Category: DHCP

DHCP Relaying on a Linux Host

Markku Leiniö sent me an interesting observation after writing a series of DHCP-relaying-related blog posts:

I was first using VyOS, but it uses the ISC DHCP relay, and that software relays unicast packets. The DHCP procedures eventually worked fine, but getting sensible outputs and explanations was a nightmare.

I quickly reproduced the behavior, but it took me almost half a year to turn it into a blog post. Engaging in a round of yak shaving (I wanted to implement DHCP in netlab first) didn’t exactly help, either.

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Weird: vJunos Evolved 23.2R1.5 Declines DHCP Address

It’s time for a Halloween story: imagine the scary scenario in which a DHCP client asks for an address, gets it, and then immediately declines it. That’s what I’ve been experiencing with vJunos Evolved release 23.2R1.15.

Before someone gets the wrong message: I’m not criticizing Juniper or vJunos.

  • Juniper did a great job releasing a no-hassles-to-download virtual appliance.
  • DHCP assignment of management IPv4 address worked with vJunos Evolved release 23.1R1.8
  • There were reports that the DHCP assignment process in vJunos Evolved 23.1R1.8 was not reliable, but it worked for me so far, so I’m good to go as long as I can run the older release.
  • I might get to love vJunos Evolved. Boot- and configuration times are very reasonable.

However, it looks like something broke in vJunos release 23.2, and it would be nice to figure out what the workaround might be.

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Inter-VRF DHCP Relaying with Redundant DHCP Servers

Previous posts in this series covered numerous intricacies of DHCP relaying:

Now for the final bit of the puzzle: what if we want to do inter-VRF DHCP relaying with redundant DHCP servers?

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DHCP Relaying with Redundant DHCP Servers

Previous posts in this series (DHCP relaying principles, inter-VRFs relaying, relaying in VXLAN segments and relaying from EVPN VRF) used a single DHCP server. It’s time to add another layer of complexity: redundant DHCP servers.

Lab Topology

We’ll use a lab topology similar to the VXLAN DHCP relaying lab, add a second DHCP server, and a third switch connecting the two DHCP servers to the rest of the network.

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DHCP Relaying in EVPN VRFs

After figuring out how DHCP relaying works and testing it with VRFs and in VXLAN segments, it seems like a no-brainer to make it work with EVPN.

TL&DR: It works, at least when using Arista vEOS as the relay and Cisco CSR 1000v as the DHCP server.

Lab Topology

We’ll keep using the exact same “physical” topology we used in the VXLAN DHCP relaying lab, add EVPN and BGP to the control-plane cocktail, and put the VXLAN segment into a VRF. We’ll use CSR 1000v as the DHCP server because Cisco IOSv doesn’t support some of the DHCP option-82 sub-options we need.

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DHCP Relaying in VXLAN Segments

After I got the testing infrastructure in place (simple DHCP relay, VRF-aware DHCP relay), I was ready for the real fun: DHCP relaying in VXLAN (and later EVPN) segments.

TL&DR: It works exactly as expected. Even though I had anycast gateway configured on the VLAN, the Arista vEOS switches used their unicast IP addresses in the DHCP relaying process. The DHCP server had absolutely no problem dealing with multiple copies of the same DHCP broadcast relayed by different switches attached to the same VLAN. One could only wish things were always as easy in the networking land.

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Test VRF-Aware DHCP Relaying with netlab

After figuring out how DHCP relaying works and testing it in a simple lab, I went a step further and tested VRF-aware DHCP relaying.

Lab Topology

I had to make just a few changes to the DHCP relaying lab topology:

  • DHCP server is running on CSR 1000v. IOSv DHCP server does not support subnet selection DHCP option and thus doesn’t work with relays that do inter-VRF DHCP relaying.
  • I put the link between the DHCP client and DHCP relay into a VRF.
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DHCP Relaying Details

Chinar Trivedi asked an interesting question about DHCP relaying in VXLAN/EVPN world on Twitter and my first thought was “that shouldn’t be hard” but when I read the first answer that turned into “wait a minute, how exactly does DHCP relaying works?

I’m positive there’s a tutorial out there somewhere, but I decided to go back to the sources of wisdom: the RFCs. It turned out to be a long walk down the IETF history lane.

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Do We Need Multiple Global IPv6 Addresses Per Interface (RFC 7934)

I was happily munching popcorn while watching the latest season of Lack of DHCPv6 on Android soap opera on v6ops mailing list when one of the lead actors trying to justify the current state of affairs with a technical argument quoted an RFC to prove his rightful indignation with DHCPv6 and the decision not to implement it in Android:

[…not having multiple IPv6 addresses per interface…] is also harmful for a variety of reasons, and for general purpose devices, it’s not recommended by the IETF. That’s exactly what RFC 7934 is about - explaining why it’s harmful.

If you’re new to this discussion, you might want to start with Why Does DHCPv6 Matter blog post
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Why Does DHCPv6 Matter?

In case you missed it, there’s a new season of Lack of DHCPv6 on Android soap opera on v6ops mailing list. Before going into the juicy details, I wanted to look at the big picture: why would anyone care about lack of DHCPv6 on Android?

Please note that I’m not a DHCPv6 fan. DHCPv6 is just a tool not unlike sink plunger – nobody loves it (I hope), but when you need it, you better have it handy.

The requirements for DHCPv6-based address allocation come primarily from enterprise environments facing legal/compliance/other layer 8-10 reasons to implement policy (are you allowed to use the network), control (we want to decide who uses the network) and attribution (if something bad happens, we want to know who did it).

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Unnumbered Ethernet Interfaces, DHCP Edition

Last week we explored the basics of unnumbered IPv4 Ethernet interfaces, and how you could use them to save IPv4 address space in routed access networks. I also mentioned that you could simplify the head-end router configuration if you’re using DHCP instead of per-host static routes.

Obviously you’d need a smart DHCP server/relay implementation to make this work. Simplistic local DHCP server would allocate an IP address to a client requesting one, send a response and move on. Likewise, a DHCP relay would forward a DHCP request to a remote DHCP server (adding enough information to allow the DHCP server to select the desired DHCP pool) and forward its response to the client.

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DHCP Details You Didn’t Know

If you’ve been a networking engineer (or a sysadmin) for a few years, you must be pretty familiar with DHCP and might think you know everything there is to know about this venerable protocol. So did I… until I read the article by Chris Marget in which he answers two interesting questions:

  • How does the DHCP server (or relay) send DHCP offer to the client that doesn’t have an IP address (and doesn’t respond to ARP)?
  • How does the DHCP client receive the DHCP responses if it doesn’t have an IP address?
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