Worth Reading: The Shared Irresponsibility Model in the Cloud
A long while ago I wrote a blog post along the lines of “it’s ridiculous to allow developers to deploy directly to a public cloud while burdening them with all sorts of crazy barriers when deploying to an on-premises infrastructure,” effectively arguing for self-service approach to on-premises deployments.
Not surprisingly, the reality is grimmer than I expected (I’m appalled at how optimistic my predictions are even though I always come across as a die-hard grumpy pessimist), as explained in The Shared Irresponsibility Model in the Cloud by Dan Hubbard.
For more technical details, watch cloud-focused ipSpace.net webinars, in particular the Cloud Security one.
There's so much irresponsibility (and insanity) these days in IT, and this one called it out like it is. You might like it too Ivan.