Category: SDN

Is OVSDB a Control- or Management-Plane Protocol?

A while ago I discussed whether XMPP is a control- or management-plane protocol (spoiler: it depends). How about OVSDB? Here’s another question from one of my readers:

Why is Openflow considered as control plane protocol and OVSDB management plane protocol if both are relying on SDN controller? Is it because Openflow can directly modify the dataplane?

SDN controllers can use control- or management-plane protocols to get the job done.

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SDN as an Abstraction Layer

During the Introduction to SDN webinar I covered numerous potential definitions:

I find all of these definitions too narrow or even misleading. However, the “SDN is a layer of abstraction” one is not too bad (see also RFC 1925 section 2.6a).

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Software-Defined Security and VMware NSX Events

I’m presenting at two Data Center Interest Group Switzerland events organized by Gabi Gerber in Zurich in early June:

  • In the morning of June 7th we’ll talk about software-defined security, data center automation and open networking;
  • In the afternoon of the same day (so you can easily attend both events) we’ll talk about VMware NSX microsegmentation and real-life implementations.

I hope to see you in Zurich in a bit more than a month!

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Implementing BGP-Based SDN Controller

One of my readers sent me this observation while reviewing my BGP-Based SDN Solutions webinar:

I am a bit surprised the SDN controller can actually be so lightweight.

Well, that's the benefit of augmenting an existing well-developed ecosystem instead of reinventing the wheel and reimplementing every single bit of functionality we had to develop to make networks work throughout the last 5 decades.

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Scalability of OpenFlow Control Plane Network

I got an interesting question from one of my readers:

If every device talking to a centralized control plane uses an out-of-band channel to talk to the OpenFlow controller, isn’t this a scaling concern?

A year or so ago I would have said NO (arguing that the $0.02 CPU found in most networking devices is too slow to overload a controller or reasonably-fast control-plane network).

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