Category: OpenFlow
NEC+IBM: Enterprise OpenFlow you can actually touch
I didn’t expect we’d see multi-vendor OpenFlow deployment any time soon. NEC and IBM decided to change that and Tervela, a company specialized in building messaging-based data fabrics, decided to verify their interoperability claims. Janice Roberts who works with NEC Corporation of America helped me get in touch with them and I was pleasantly surprised by their optimistic view of OpenFlow deployment in typical enterprise networks.
IBM launched a Nexus 1000V competitor
Three days ago IBM launched Distributed Virtual Switch 5000V, its own distributed vSwitch for VMware ESX platform. On one hand, it proves Cisco has been going the right way with Nexus 1000v (just in case you wondered), on the other hand, things just got way more interesting – IBM is obviously returning to networking.
Bandwidth-On-Demand: Is OpenFlow the Silver Bullet?
Whenever the networking industry invents a new (somewhat radical) technology, bandwidth-on-demand seems to be one of the much-touted use cases. OpenFlow/SDN is no different – Juniper used its OpenFlow implementation (Open vSwitch sitting on top of Junos SDK) to demonstrate Bandwidth Calendaring (see Dave Ward’s presentation @ OpenFlow Symposium for more details), and Dmitri Kalintsev recently blogged “How about an ability for things like Open vSwitch ... to actually signal the transport network its connectivity requirements ... say desired bandwidth” I have only one problem with these ideas: I’ve seen them before.
Nicira, BigSwitch, NEC, OpenFlow and SDN
Numerous articles published in the last few days describing how Nicira clashes heads-on with Cisco and Juniper just proved that you should never let facts interfere with a good story (let alone eye-catching headline). Just in case you got swayed away by those catchy stories, here’s the real McCoy (as I see it):
Nicira Open vSwitch Inside vSphere/ESX
I got intrigued when reading Nicira’s white paper claiming their Open vSwitch can run within vSphere/ESX hypervisor. There are three APIs that you could use to get that job done: dvFilter API (intercepting VM NIC like vCDNI does), the undocumented virtual switch API used by Cisco’s Nexus 1000v, or the device driver interface (intercepting uplink traffic). Turns out Nicira decided to use a fourth approach using nothing but publicly available APIs.
Nicira uncloaked
Nicira, the OpenFlow startup behind the Open vSwitch, has finally dropped the stealthy cloak. Congratulations!!! Their web site is still pretty sparse on details, but you can get an initial impression of what they’re doing from a number of white papers describing Network Virtualization Platform and DVNI architecture. Short summary: I was almost right, but being a routing-and-switching bloke missed a few interesting bits – OpenFlow (and Open vSwitch) can easily combine security and forwarding functionality.
Virtual Circuits in OpenFlow 1.0 World
Two days ago I described how you can use tunneling or labeling to reduce the forwarding state in the network core (which you have to do if you want to have reasonably fast convergence with currently-available OpenFlow-enabled switches). Now let’s see what you can do in the very limited world of OpenFlow 1.0.
FIB Update Challenges in OpenFlow Networks
Last week I described the problems high-end service provider routers (or layer-3 switches if you prefer that terminology) face when they have to update large number of entries in the forwarding tables (FIBs). Will these problems go away when we introduce OpenFlow into our networks? Absolutely not, OpenFlow is just another mechanism to download forwarding entries (this time from an external controller) not a laws-of-physics-changing miracle.
VXLAN, IP multicast, OpenFlow and control planes
A few days ago I had the privilege of being part of an VXLAN-related tweetfest with @bradhedlund, @scott_lowe, @cloudtoad, @JuanLage, @trumanboyes (and probably a few others) and decided to write a blog post explaining the problems VXLAN faces due to lack of control plane, how it uses IP multicast to solve that shortcoming, and how OpenFlow could be used in an alternate architecture to solve those same problems.
OpenFlow: Enterprise Use Cases
One of the comments I usually get about OpenFlow is “sounds great and I’m positive Yahoo! and Google will eventually use it, but I see no enterprise use case.” (see also this blog post). Obviously nobody would go for a full-blown native OpenFlow deployment and we’ll probably see hybrid (ships-in-the-night) approach more often in research labs than in enterprise networks, but there’s always the integrated mode that allows you to add OpenFlow-based functionality on top of existing networking infrastructure.
Big Switch Networks might actually make sense
Big Switch Networks is one of those semi-stealthy startups that like to hint at what they’re doing without actually telling you anything, so I was very keen to meet Kyle Forster and Guido Appenzeller during the OpenFlow Symposium and asked them a simple question: “can you explain in 3 minutes what it is you’re doing?”
OpenFlow Deployment Models
I hope you never believed the “OpenFlow networking nirvana” hype in which smart open-source programmable controllers control dumb low-cost switches, busting the “networking = mainframes” model and bringing the Linux-like golden age to every network. As the debates during the OpenFlow symposium clearly illustrated, the OpenFlow reality is way more complex than it appears at a first glance.
To make it even more interesting, at least four different models for OpenFlow deployment have already emerged:
Published on , commented on July 6, 2022
I Apologize, but I’m Excited
The last few days were exquisite fun: it was great meeting so many people focusing on a single technology (OpenFlow) and concept (Software-Defined Networking, whatever that means) that just might overcome some of the old obstacles (and introduce new ones). You should be at least a bit curious what this is all about, and even if you don’t see yourself ever using OpenFlow or any other incarnation of SDN in your network, it never hurts to enhance your resume with another technology (as long as it’s relevant; don’t put CICS programmer at the top of it).
Published on , commented on July 6, 2022
Network Field Day 2 and OpenFlow Symposium
We finished a fantastic Network Field Day (second edition) yesterday. While it will take me a while (and 20+ blog posts) to recover from the information blast I received during the last two days, here are the first impressions:
Explosion of innovation – and it’s not just OpenFlow and/or SDN. Last year we’ve seen some great products and a few good ideas (earning me the “grumpy old man that’s hard to make smile” fame), this year almost every vendor had something that excited me.
OpenFlow and the State Explosion
While everyone deeply involved with OpenFlow agrees it’s just a low-level tool that can’t solve problems we couldn’t solve in the past (just like replacing Tcl with C++ won’t help you prove P = NP), occasionally you stumble across mindboggling ideas that are so simple you have to ask yourself: “were we really that stupid?” One of them that obviously impressed James Hamilton is the solution to load balancing that requires no load balancers.
Before clicking Read more, watch this video and try to figure out what the solution is and why we’re not using it in large-scale networks.