Category: network management

Simulate interface counters with QoS policy-map

If you need interface counters on subinterfaces or virtual interfaces, you can emulate them with an empty policy-map, for example:
policy-map Count
class class-default
interface Serial0/0/0.100 point-to-point
service-policy input Count
service-policy output Count
The service policy counters are then inspected with the show policy-map interface name command:
a1#show policy-map interface Serial 0/0/0.100


Service-policy input: Count

Class-map: class-default (match-any)
10 packets, 840 bytes
1 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
Match: any

Service-policy output: Count

Class-map: class-default (match-any)
61 packets, 7084 bytes
1 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
Match: any
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Reload the router from an interim privilege level

While you wouldn't usually want non-privileged user to reload a Cisco IOS-based router, you might also not appreciate the need to give the network operator level-15 access (which includes configuration privileges) just to reload the box. The solution is the privilege configuration command. To lower the privilege level of the reload command, configure privilege exec level desired-level reload.
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Remove timestamps from syslog messages

The ability to replace router uptime with date and time in the logging messages with the service timestamps log datetime command was present in IOS for a long time, but I was always annoyed at timestamps when collecting syslog messages for demonstration purposes. The command to turn them off has also been available "forever", but was too obvious for me to try out ... the no service timestamps log command.
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Configuration Change Logging ignores the configuration downloads

The Configuration Change Notification and Logging feature is supposed to log changes to the router's configuration. While it does a great job of logging commands entered in the router configuration mode, it completely ignores configuration changes due to configuration download (for example, with configure network or copy tftp running-config command).
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Log configuration commands entered on your Cisco router

As part of Configuraton Change Notification and Logging feature, Cisco IOS stores the most recent configuration commands in a circular buffer and (optionally) sends them to syslog streams.

This feature is configured under the archive configuration mode with the log config command, which brings you to yet another configuration mode where you can fine-tune the parameters (they are obvious, on-router help is sufficient), for example:
log config
logging enable 100
notify syslog
After you've enabled configuration command logging, you can use the show archive log config all command to inspect the logging buffer. You can also display commands entered in a particular session or by a selected user.

If you've configured notify syslog, every configuration command also triggers a syslog message similar to this one:
3d03h: %PARSER-5-CFGLOG_LOGGEDCMD: User:console logged command:interface loopback 0
Note: This feature logs only the configuration commands, if you want to log all commands, use TACACS+ or Embedded Event Manager.
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TAR support in Cisco IOS

Cisco IOS supports the Unix tar format with the archive command. For example, to inspect the contents of the Secure Device Manager (SDM) that is present in Flash memory on most routers, use the archive tar /table flash:sdm.tar command.

You can also use the archive tar /xtract command to extract a tar file (local or external) into a directory (yet again local or external). For example, with the command archive tar /xtract flash:sdm.tar tftp:// you'd extract the SDM tar archive to a TFTP server.

Note: tar extract cannot create subdirectories on a TFTP server, the directory structure has to be prepared in advance.
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Disable command execution with Cisco IOS web server

If you give your users guest access to a router, you might want to disable some web-based applications the router usually offers (for example, command execution). To do this, use the following steps (first supported in IOS release 12.3(14)T, integrated in 12.4):
  1. List all the web applications your Cisco IOS supports with the show ip http server session-module command. By default, all web applications should be active.
  2. Create a subset of applications you want to activate with the ip http session-module-list list-name module-list. global configuration command, for example.
  3. ip http session-module-list NoExec HTTP_IFS,HOME_PAGE,QDM,QDM_SA,XML_Api,EzVPN-Web-Intercept
  4. Activate the desired applications with the ip http active-session-modules list-name configuration command (you should also use the ip http secure-active-session-modules command if you've enabled HTTPS server).
  5. Verify the results with the show ip http server session-module command. Only the applications listed in your module list should be active, all others should be inactive.
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Reload a router from VBScript or PERL with a HTTP (web) request

If you have HTTP enabled on your router, you can use it to automate router reloads through web requests. To enable HTTP on the router, use the following commands:
ip http server
ip http access-class 90
access-list 90 permit network-management-ip-address
The ip http access-class configuration command is vital - it limits the access to the web server on your router to well-defined IP addresses.

The Visual Basic script to reload the router is extremely simple (just save the following lines into a file called reload.vbs):
Const RouterIP = "" ' replace with router's IP address
Const EnablePassword = "password" ' replace with enable password

Set WebRq = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
WebRq.Open "GET","http://" & RouterIP & "/level/15/exec/reload/CR",false,"Username",EnablePassword
And here is the equivalent PERL code for the open source community:
use LWP::UserAgent;

$routerIP = "";
$enablePwd = "password";

$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "http://$routerIP/level/15/exec/reload/CR");
$req->authorization_basic('', $enablePwd);
print $ua->request($req)->as_string;
By default, the username specified in the web request is ignored by the router and the password has to be the enable password. Of course, if you change the authentication scheme on the router with the ip http authentication configuration command, you'd use proper username/password pair in the HTTP request.
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Periodic router reload

Sometimes when using not-so-very stable IOS versions, periodic reload of a router during a non-peak (or idle) period is a good idea that can significantly increase the overall stability of your network. Until release 12.4, you had to write an external script that would log into the router and execute the reload command. With the Embedded Event Manager, the task is surprisingly simple - just enter the following configuration commands to reload the box every midnight (of course it helps if your router is NTP-synchronized to a reliable clock source and has correctly configured time zone).
event manager  applet Reload
event timer cron name Reload cron-entry "@midnight"
action 1.0 reload
The @midnight is a predefined symbolic value for "0 0 * * *". Of course you can use any other value that the UNIX cron utility would recognize as valid first five fields (time specification; username and command line are obviously not used).
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