Category: IPv6

Deploying IPv6 article @ SearchTelecom

Following my Transition to IPv6” articles, Jessica Scarpati from wrote a series of articles covering the telecom transition plans and the problems they’re experiencing with the vendors and content providers.

In the second article of the series, “Deploying IPv6? Demand responsiveness from vendors, content providers”, she’s quoting John Jason Brzozowski from Comcast, John Curran from ARIN, Matt Sewell from Global Crossing and myself. My key message: vote with your money and take your business elsewhere if the vendors don’t get their act together.

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NAT444, DS-Lite, A+P and NAT64 explained

One of the biggest hurdles Internet Service Providers will face in the near future is access to legacy IPv4 content once we run out of globally routable IPv4 addresses. Although it’s easy to offer your content over IPv6 (assuming you have a properly designed network using load balancers from a company that understands the need for IPv6 in Data Center), a lot of the “long tail” content will remain reachable only over IPv4.

A while ago I’ve published a presentation I’d delivered at the Slovenian IPv6 summit; a few days ago has published my article describing various transition solutions in more details. In the first part, “IPv4 address exhaustion: Making the IPv6 transition work”, I’m describing the grim facts we’re facing and the NAT-PT fiasco. In the second part, “Comparing IPv6 to IPv4 address translation solutions”, you’ll find brief descriptions of LSN (also known as CGN – Carrier-Grade NAT), NAT444, DS-Lite, A+P and NAT64.

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Easy deployment of IPv6 content

During the last Google IPv6 Implementors Conference Donn Lee from Facebook showed how easy it is to make your content available over IPv6 and LISP ... if you happen to have the right load balancer that supports IPv6 (to view his presentation, click the slides link next to his name in the conference agenda). I would say all the excuses why your content cannot be possibly made available over IPv6 are gone (and one can only hope that a certain vendor I’m often mentioning will finally realize IPv6 is needed on more boxes than just routers and switches).

Hat tip to Andrej Kobal who sent me the link to the FB presentation.

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Network boot using IPv6 and/or DHCP patented

It’s amazing what people would try to patent ... and it’s even more amazing what gets past the examiners. IBM has managed to patent passing ipv6 or dhcp argument to indicate an IP host should network-boot over IPv6 or using DHCP. The idea is so trivial it’s almost not worth mentioning and goes along the lines of: “usually we use BOOTP and TFTP to get network boot parameters, but imagine we could pass DHCP as the argument to the boot routine and then it would use DHCP instead of BOOTP.

The patent supposedly covers a very specific case, but (to my untrained eye) the claims are written in a way that could cover almost any IPv6- or DHCP-assisted network boot (or at least give lawyers plenty of stuff to charge for) ... exactly what we needed with all the other roadblocks and stumbling stones to IPv6 deployment.

Hat tip to John Curran for bringing this one to my attention.

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Multi-topology IS-IS

IS-IS has “forever” (at least since RFC 1195) supported multiple layer-3 protocol, but always with a nasty side-effect: if a link in your network did not support one of them, you could get hard-to-diagnose black holes. The problem is illustrated in the left-hand column of the following diagram. Due to a single IS-IS topology, the shortest path between A and B is the direct link and since IPv6 is not enabled on that link (click on the diagram to get an enlarged version where you'll be able to see the link colors), A and B cannot exchange IPv6 traffic even though there’s an alternate path between them.

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IPv6 autoconfiguration: too many cooks spoil the broth

Andrej Kobal from Astec shared a few interesting facts during the 3rd Slovenian IPv6 summit: they were deploying a pilot IPv6 subnet in a large network and wanted to retain tight control over the IPv6 address assignment (some people don’t consider random address chasing embraced by Windows the best use of their time), so they’ve decided to use DHCPv6. Bad luck: DHCPv6 can’t tell you the IPv6 address of the default router (like DHCP does). You need ICMPv6 RA (part of IPv6 Neighbor Discovery) to figure out who the router is.

If you want to protect the integrity of your network, you need to deploy SeND or RA guard as well as DHCPv6 guard on your switches. These features are not yet available on many L2 switches ... Catalyst 4500 and Catalyst 6500 are a notable exception. Catalyst 3750 also supports IPv6 port access lists.

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Slovenians presenting leading-edge IPv6 @ Google

Jan Žorž from is obviously a very successful IPv6 evangelist: not only did he manage to organize numerous IPv6 summits in Slovenia (which is probably one of the reasons Slovenia is the leading European country on the RIPEness scale); he’s also helped persuade the mobile industry to roll out pilot IPv6 services. Right now we have two mobile operators piloting IPv6; both dual-stack (with two PDP contexts) and IPv6 roaming are working flawlessly.

BTW, Jan still doesn’t understand the need to blog in English, so you all the links to his web site I’m including in this post are converted into English-resembling form by Google Translate.

Not surprisingly, such feats did not go unnoticed: Jan has been invited to present at the Google IPv6 Implementors Conference and managed to persuade Google to include an engineer from our local CPE manufacturer in the IPv6 CPE vendor panel.

I have nothing more to say than: CONGRATULATIONS & GOOD LUCK!

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Is NAT64 a subset of NAT-PT?

Quick summary for the differently attentive: Even without the DNS processing, NAT-PT and NAT64 differ from the perspective of peer-to-peer applications. The differences don’t matter for IPv6 clients connecting to IPv4 servers.

Whenever I’m talking about NAT64, someone would say “we’re already using it”. As it turns out, they’re usually using NAT-PT, which looks a lot like NAT64 from afar (after all, they both allow IPv6-only clients to connect to IPv4-only servers). However, there are significant differences between the two, the most important one being DNS64, which handles DNS processing completely outside of the forwarding path (NAT-PT has embedded DNS Application Level Gateway, which was one of the major reasons NAT-PT was declared broken beyond hope).

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The first step on the path to CGv6

In another interesting timing coincidence, the documentation for IOS-XR release 3.9.1 appeared at approximately the same time (probably a little bit later) as I started to research the viability of CGv6 during the preparation for my NAT64/DNS64 presentation.

A kind guest has provided links to configuration guide and command reference in a comment to my blog post. Thank you!

Looking at the release notes, the CGSE blade currently supports only CGN (large-scale NAT44), the interesting parts (NAT64 or DS-lite AFTR) are still in the pipeline.

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CGv6 – how real is it?

Last November I was delighted to read the announcement describing how a module in CRS-1 was going to support CGN, NAT444, NAT64 and DS-Lite. It looked like a major vendor has finally decided it’s time to solve the IPv4-to-IPv6 transition problem.

However, I was not able to find anything beyond a few fancy videos, a white paper and a brochure. Can anyone shed more light on CGv6? Have you seen it running outside of PowerPoint? When can an IPv6-embracing Service Provider expect to see it on an ASR 1000?

And before you ask ... no, CGv6 is not described in my webinars; I only talk about features (not futures) that I was able to get my hands on.

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The role of NAT in transition to IPv6

I was invited to present my thoughts on NAT64 and DNS64 in the upcoming 3rd Slovenian IPv6 Summit (well, they still haven’t managed to create a bilingual site, so here's the same page from the perspective of Google Translate). While preparing for the presentation, I’ve greatly enjoyed reading the Framework for IPv4/IPv6 Translation IETF draft. I would highly recommend it; it’s rare to find such a concise and instructive document and it’s a mandatory reading if you want to understand the role of NAT in the IPv4-to-IPv6 transition.

The role of NAT64 in enterprise networks is described in the Enterprise IPv6 Deployment workshop.

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IPv6 myths are alive and well

One would hope that the IPv6 myths are slowly fading away as more people get exposed to IPv6 ... but if you like them, don’t worry; they are constantly being recycled. The IPv6: Why Bother? article published by InformIT is a perfect example:

With IPv6, there are enough addresses now that every country or major network can be assigned a large range. It can then assign subranges within that to networks that it connects to, and so on. This hierarchical assignment (in theory, at least) simplifies routing decisions.
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More details: Seven IPv6 myths

Two weeks ago I listed six IPv6 myths, asking you to add your own favorites. Obviously the MythBusters are not reading my blog and everyone else decided to focus on a single provocative sentence (got you!) and expressed strong feelings about NAT being (or not being) a security feature.

I've described the myths (including the mobility myth to get their number up to the nearest magic number) in more details in the Seven IPv6 networking myths that don't match reality article published by SearchTelecom.

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This is how you design a useful protocol

A post in the My CCIE Training Guide pointed me to the GoogleTechTalk given by Yakov Rekhter (one of the fathers of BGP) in 2007. You should watch the whole video (it helps you understand numerous BGP implementation choices), but its most important message is undoubtedly the Design by Pragmatism approach:

  • They had a simple, manageable problem (get from a spanning-tree Internet topology to a mesh topology).
  • They did not want to solve all potential future problems; they left that marvelous task to IDRP (which still got nowhere the last time I've looked).
  • They started with simple specifications (three napkins), had two interoperable implementations in a few months, and wrote the RFC after BGP was already in production use.
  • They rolled it out, learnt from its shortcomings and fixed it.
  • They gradually made it easily extensible: TLV encoding, optional attributes, capabilities negotiations. This approach made it possible to carry additional address families in BGP and use it for applications like MPLS VPN and VPLS.

One could only hope that the IPv6 architects had used the same approach ... but as Yakov said in his talk, that’s “water under the bridge”.

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