Category: IPv6

IPv6 On-Link Determination

What Is It And Why Do We Need It?

When an IPv4/IPv6 host wants to send a packet to another host, it has to answer the following simple questions:

  • Can I reach the destination IP address directly (is the destination on the same LAN/subnet)?
  • If not, who will help me forward the packet (who is the first-hop router)?

In IPv4 world, the host can get all the information it needs through DHCP. In IPv6 world, things are way more complex (but also way more correct if you’re a theoretician).

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More real-life DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation gotchas

The murky details of IPv6 implementations never crop up till you start deploying it (or, as Randy Bush recently wrote: “it is cheering to see that the ipv6 ivory tower still stands despite years of attack by reality”).

Here’s another one: in theory the prefixes delegated through DHCPv6 should be static and permanently assigned to the customers for long periods of time.

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DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation, RADIUS and Shared Usernames

Jernej Horvat sent me the following question:

I know DHCPv6-based prefix delegation should be as stable as possible, so I plan to include the delegated prefix in my RADIUS database. However, for legacy reasons each username can have up to four concurrent PPPoE sessions. How will that work with DHCPv6 IA_PD?

Short answer: worst case, DHCPv6 prefix delegation will be royally broken.

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The Best of Last Week’s IPv6 Summit

Last week’s IPv6 summit organized by Jan Žorž was probably one of the best events to attend for engineers interested in real-life IPv6 deployment experience. Some of the highlights included:

Enjoy! ... and thank you, Jan, for an excellent event.

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IPv6 First-Hop Security: Ideal OpenFlow Use Case

Supposedly it’s a good idea to be able to identify which one of your users had a particular IP address at the time when that source IP address created significant havoc. We have a definitive solution for the IPv4 world: DHCP server logs combined with DHCP snooping, IP source guard and dynamic ARP inspection. IPv6 world is a mess: read this e-mail message from v6ops mailing list and watch Eric Vyncke’s RIPE65 presentation for excruciating details.

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The best of RIPE65

Last week I had the privilege of attending RIPE65, meeting a bunch of extremely bright SP engineers, and listening to a few fantastic presentations (full meeting report @ RIPE65 web site).

I knew Geoff Huston would have a great presentation, but his QoS presentation was even better than I expected. I don’t necessarily agree with everything he said, but every vendor peddling QoS should be forced to listen to his explanation of the underlying problems and kludgy solutions first.

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