Category: BGP


TL&DR: QPPB works in MPLS VPNs… with a few limitations (at least in Cisco IOS implementation).

And now for the long story: A while ago I’ve noticed that my LinkedIn friend Joe Cozzupoli changed his status to something like “trying to get QPPB to work in MPLS VPN environment”. I immediately got in touch with him and he was kind enough to send me working configurations; not just for the basic setup, but also for Inter-AS Option A, B and C labs.

Knowing that QPPB relies on CEF, I doubted it would work as well on VRF interfaces as it does in pure IP environments, so I decided to do a few tests of my own. Here are the limitations I found:

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Disable Flapping BGP Neighbors

It looks like we’re bound to experience a widespread BGP failure once every few months. They all follow the same pattern:

  • A “somewhat” undertested BGP implementation starts advertising paths with “unexpected” set of attributes.
  • A specific downstream BGP implementation (and it could be a different implementation every time) a few hops down the road hiccups and sends a BGP notification message to its upstream neighbor.
  • BGP session must be reset following a notification message; the routes advertised over it are lost and withdrawn, causing widespread ripples across the Internet.
  • The offending session is reestablished seconds later and the same set of routes is sent again, causing the same failure and a session reset. If the session stays up long enough, some of the newly received routes might get propagated and will flap again when the session is reset.
  • The cyclical behavior continues until a manual intervention.
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Questions on BGP AS-Path Filters in Non-Transit Networks

I’ve sent a link to my Filter excessively prepended AS-paths article as an answer to a BGP route-map question to the NANOG mailing list and got several interesting questions from Dylan a few hours later. As they are pretty common, you might be interested in them as well.

In my environment, we are not doing full routes. We have partial routes from AS X and then fail to AS Y. Is their any advantage for someone like me to do this, as we are not providing any IP transit so we are not passing the route table to anyone else?

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Aggressive BGP Fall-Over Behavior

Soon after I wrote the Designing Fast Converging BGP Networks article (you’ll find it somewhere in this list, one of my regular readers sent me an interesting problem: BGP sessions would be lost in his (IS-IS based) core network if he would use fall-over on IBGP neighbors and the BGP router would have a primary and a backup path to the IBGP neighbor.

It turned out to be an interesting side effect of aggressive route table purge following a link failure: the route to BGP neighbor was removed from the routing table before IS-IS ran SPF and installed an alternate route, and BGP decided it’s time to give up and terminate the session.

For more details, read the What Exactly Happens after a Link Failure blog post.

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Internet anarchy: I’ll advertise whatever I like

We all know that the global BGP table is exploding (see the Active BGP entries graph) and that it will eventually reach a point where the router manufacturers will not be able to cope with it via constant memory/ASIC upgrades (Note: a layer-3 switch is just a fancy marketing name for a router). The engineering community is struggling with new protocol ideas (for example, LISP) that would reduce the burden on the core Internet routers, but did you know that we could reduce the overall BGP/FIB memory consumption by over 35% (rolling back the clock by two and a half years) if only the Internet Service Providers would get their act together.

Take a look at the weekly CIDR report (archived by WebCite on June 22nd), more specifically into its Aggregation summary section. The BGP table size could be reduced by over 35% if the ISPs would stop announcing superfluous more specific prefixes (as the report heading says, the algorithm checks for an exact match in AS path, so people using deaggregation for traffic engineering purposes are not even included in this table). You can also take a look at the worst offenders and form your own opinions. These organizations increase the cost of doing business for everyone on the Internet.

Why is this behavior tolerated? It’s very simple: advertising a prefix with BGP (and affecting everyone else on the globe) costs you nothing. There is no direct business benefit gained by reducing the number of your BGP entries (and who cares about other people’s costs anyway) and you don’t need an Internet driver’s license (there’s also no BGP police, although it would be badly needed).

Fortunately, there are some people who got their act together. The leader in the week of June 15th was JamboNet (AS report archived by Webcite on June 22nd) that went from 42 prefixes to 7 prefixes.

What can you do to help? Advertise the prefixes assigned to you by Internet Registry, not more specific ones. Check your BGP table and clean it. Don’t use more specific prefixes solely for primary/backup uplink selection.

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Filter Excessively Prepended BGP Paths

A few months ago, a small ISP was able to disrupt numerous BGP sessions in the Internet core by prepending over 250 copies of its AS number to the outbound BGP updates. While you should use the bgp maxas-limit command to limit the absolute length of AS-path in the inbound updates, you might also want to drop all excessively prepended BGP paths.

For more details, read the Filter Excessively Prepended BGP Paths article.

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Limitations of VRF Routing Protocols on Cisco IOS

Cisco IOS allows up to 32 routing protocols contributing routes into a routing table (two of them are always connected and static). The limitation applies to the global routing table as well as to each individual VRF; the architectural reason for the limit is a 32-bit mask that’s used in Cisco IOS to mark individual routing protocols. The routing protocol ID (as displayed by the show ip protocol summary command) is thus limited to values 0 to 31. With value 0 being reserved for connected routes and value 1 for static routes, 30 values are left to number the routing protocols.

Due to the implementation details of Cisco IOS, the BGP, RIP and each EIGRP routing process consume routing protocol ID in all VRFs (regardless of whether they are used or not). You can view the IDs of individual routing protocols with the show ip protocol [vrf name] summary command.

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Another BGP near-miss

A week ago AS13214 experienced internal problems and started readvertising all BGP routes (the whole Internet) as part of its autonomous system (AS). A similar incident occurred last November. In both cases, the problem did not spread very far, which indicates that the major ISPs have implemented BGP filters and prefix limits.

One can only hope that every ISP in the world would have done the same. If you’re an ISP and you haven’t configured the BGP maximum prefix feature on your customer BGP sessions yet, please do so ASAP. A good starting point would be a configuration example provided by Cisco (it’s also accessible from the Service Provider Security Best Practices).

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IOS Fossils: OSPF-to-BGP Redistribution

Here’s a weird requirement that you could get on a really hard CCIE preparation lab (and hopefully never in a live network): redistribute external OSPF routes from selected ASBRs into BGP without using a route map on the redistribution router.

For example, assuming R1 and R2 insert external routes into OSPF, you want only routes from R1 to be redistributed into BGP on R3, but you cannot use route maps on R3.

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BGP Route Reflector Update Groups (technical details)

One of the readers of my BGP Route Reflectors article spotted an “obvious deviation from how we always though the route reflectors work”:

An IBGP route received from a route-reflector client is sent to all IBGP peers, including the client from which it was received.

A quick lab test confirmed the validity of my claims: a BGP route reflector does send an update back to the client from which it was received (and it’s perfectly legal according to the updated BGP Route Reflector RFC).

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Network Migration with BGP Local-AS Feature

I’ve always thought that Cisco introduced the BGP Local-AS feature into IOS to support complex MPLS VPN design scenarios. Obviously I was wrong, the early documentation always describes an ISP AS merging scenario. Unfortunately, all the articles I’ve found skip some important details: they describe the basics and the configuration commands, but forget to mention the impact on the AS paths received by the ISP customers.

I described those details in an article that has disappeared from the Internet sometime in 2019, but fortunately retained a copy of it.

Would you like me to migrate that article to Send me a message and I just might do it...

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EBGP Load Balancing with a Multihop EBGP Session

Multihop EBGP sessions are the traditional way to implement EBGP load balancing on parallel links. EBGP session is established between loopback interfaces of adjacent routers (see the next diagram; initial router configurations are included at the bottom of the article) and static routes (or an extra instance of a dynamic routing protocol) are used to achieve connectivity between loopback interfaces (BGP next-hops). The load balancing is an automatic result of the recursive route lookup of BGP next hops.

The following text written by Ivan Pepelnjak in 2009 was originally published on CT3 wiki. That web site became unreachable in early 2019. We retrieved the original text from the Internet Archive, cleaned it up, updated it with recent information if necessary, and republished it on blog on March 13, 2009
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Four byte AS number support in Cisco IOS

Last week IOS release 12.4(24)T appeared on CCO. One of the significant improvements in that release (I can’t manage to get enthusiastic about new kludges to support the SIP morass) is the support for 4-byte BGP AS numbers.

Finally an enterprise network that uses Cisco routers to connect to the Internet can use the new AS numbers distributed by the regional registries (assuming you’re brave enough to run 12.4(24)T on your production gear). The Service Providers using 7600 routers will have to wait … corresponding 12.2SR release is not yet available.

Hat tip to Tassos @ CCIE in 3 months: he was the first to write about this feature.

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