Video: Kubernetes Services Types

Kubernetes services are like networking standards: there are so many to choose from. In his brief introduction to Kubernetes service types, Stuart Charlton listed six of them, and I’m positive there are more. That’s what you get when you’re trying to reinvent every network load balancing method known to mankind ;)

Parts of Kubernetes Networking Deep Dive webinar (including this video) are available with Free Subscription.


  1. And I missed one! Selectorless services, aka. custom endpoints. Or, "I want an arbitrary DNAT rule from the Service Network to yonder".

    This is commonly used to map the Kubernetes API to an internal service (kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local) for easy discovery. Of course it wreaks havoc with anything (:cough: Istio) that thinks all Services are backed by pod-based endpoints.

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