Vendor Marketing: Theory and Reality

Every time I’m complaining about the stupidities $vendors are trying to sell us, someone from vendorland saddles a high horse and starts telling me how I got it all wrong, for example:

It is a duty of a pre-sales, consultant, vendor representative to inform the customer about the risk.

When you stop laughing (maybe it was just April Fools’ joke ;), here’s how the reality of that process looks like (straight from one of my readers):

I remember when the VM guys and their managers were telling me (like they had discovered the solutions to all of ours problems) about “with VXLAN we can move a machine from one country to another, and keep having service with the same IP” … while looking at me with the “I’m so smart” face… and me thinking shit… I’m doomed :) … I don’t even want to start explaining … but in the long run I had to anyway.

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