Cleaning the Inbox: Internet-related Links
Every Internet-related post is a great opportunity to increase comment count. I’ll pass this time, here are the articles I found interesting with little or no comments from my side. First the generic Internet:
- IPv6 and Transitional Myths – Great mythbuster by Geoff Huston
- Google IPv6 statistics
And then my favorite controversy:
- Net Neutrality for Dummies
- Network Neutrality: Pretty Much Just Socialism (I’m obviously not the only one claiming that)
- ISP's top data hog gobbles 2.7TB of data in a month – a bit old but still relevant
- Congress Needs to Step In for Net Neutrality...Really? Seriously?
- Mobile Carriers Dream of Charging per Page
In order to access Google IPv6 it is not enough to be IPv6 capable. Google via IPv6 is only available for networks that are IPv6 only or dual-stack networks that have seperate IPv6 DNS servers and have filled out a form to request access for Google-IPv6.
So even if you have a dual-stack network, and perhaps with seperate DNS servers, you won't be able to access google via ipv6 until you fill out the request form. And how many admins will go through, or know about that process?
With this in mind, is Google IPv6 statistics relevant?
#2 - Since most of the IPv6 traffic on the Internet is Google-related (more about that in an upcoming post), it's somewhat hard to fathom why an ISP would go to the pains of implementing dual-stack network and then neglect to fill in the Google form.
#3 - even if the Google statistics are off by an order of magnitude, it's still only 2%.