Interactive online sessions: your input is highly appreciated

In mid-December, I’ll do my first IOS Hints Online Session. These sessions will be short (30-60 minutes), very interactive (I hope, but that’s your choice) and focused on an interesting design/deployment aspect. The description of the design/deployment challenge addressed by the session will be available well in advance at the time when you’ll be able to register.

Each session will start with a few diagrams explaining the proposed solution to the session’s topic and continue with hands-on explanation on actual devices. Each session will be limited to ~15 participants who will be able to actively participate, ask questions, propose alternative solutions or even discuss their actual issues (assuming they are somewhat related to the primary topic of the session).

I have a “few” ideas what could be covered in these sessions, but having a real-life challenge coming from the readers of my blog would be much better. If you have a good idea that could fit into this concept, please send me a short description before Friday, November 21st. I’ll collect the best ones, publish short descriptions in a blog post and you’ll prioritize which ones you’d like to see first.


  1. hi

    Design & Deploying tight SLAs for various (inelastic/elastic) traffic classes on 7600s?

    Designing & Deploying IPTV over an Internet Backbone.

    Designing & deployment of Ethernet Services with OAM VPLS, VPWS etc.

    Designing an Internet BGP policy for an ISP
  2. Designing & Deploying SDH, ME with MPLS
    Designing & deploying Multicast Solutions for SP and Enterprises.

    shivlu jain
  3. Designing & Deploying Fault Tolerant Traffic Engineering on 1800, 2800, 3600 devices
    Designing & Deploying IP SLA's for Monitoring and Traffic Engineering
    Designing & Deploying QoS on the edge of a L2 multiple access WAN

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