Display operational IPv6 interfaces

The brief display of the state of IPv6 interfaces in the router (show ipv6 interface brief) is significantly different from the well-known show ip interface brief display as the IPv6 address might not fit in the same line as all the other data. To filter the printout and display only the operational interfaces, you have to replace the include filter with the section filter, which displays all the lines matching the regular expression as well as associated follow-up lines.
PE-A#show ipv6 interface brief | section up
Serial1/0 [up/up]
Serial1/1 [up/up]
Loopback0 [up/up]

The definition of the associated follow-up lines depends on the printout. Usually the indented lines are assumed to belong to a section, but you might be surprised.


  1. Now I know what is difference between include and section filter command.
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