Category: security

I Can’t Choose the Gear for You

One of my readers sent me a question along these lines after reading the anti-automation blog post:

Your blog post has me worried as we're currently reviewing offers for NGFW solution... I understand the need to keep the lid on the details rather than name and shame, but is it possible to get the details off the record?

I always believed in giving my readers enough information to solve their challenges on their own (you know, the Teach a man to fish idea).

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Reinventing SSL VPN (RFC 1925 Strikes Again)

Some of my readers got annoyed when I mentioned Google’s BeyondCorp and RFC 1925 in the same sentence (to be perfectly clear, I had Rule#11 in mind). I totally understand that sentiment – reading the reactions from industry press it seems to be the best thing that happened to Enterprise IT in decades.

Let me explain in simple terms why I think it’s not such a big deal and definitely not something new, let alone revolutionary.

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Meltdown and Its Networking Equivalents

One of my readers sent me this question:

Do you have any thoughts on this meltdown HPTI thing? How does a hardware issue/feature become a software vulnerability? Hasn't there always been an appropriate level of separation between kernel and user space?

There’s always been privilege-level separation between kernel and user space, but not the address space separation - kernel has been permanently mapped into the high-end addresses of user space (but not visible from the user-space code on systems that had decent virtual memory management hardware) since the days of OS/360, CP/M and VAX/VMS (RSX-11M was an exception since it ran on 16-bit CPU architecture and its designers wanted to support programs up to 64K byte in size).

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New: Metro- and Carrier Ethernet Encryptors Market Overview

My friend Christoph Jaggi published new versions of his Metro- and Carrier Ethernet Encryptor documents:

  • Technology introduction, including an overview of encryption mechanisms, Carrier Ethernet connectivity models, typical deployments, and key management challenges.
  • Market overview, including standards, control- and data plane considerations, key- and system management, and network integration.


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Do You Use SSL between Load Balancers and Servers?

One of my readers sent me this question:

Using SSL over the Internet is a must when dealing with sensitive data. What about SSL between data center components (frontend load-balancers and backend web servers for example)? Does it make sense to you? Can the question be summarized as "do I trust my Datacenter network team"? Or is there more at stake?

In the ideal world in which you’d have a totally reliable transport infrastructure the answer would be “There’s no need for SSL across that infrastructure”.

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