Category: overlay networks

VMware buys Nicira: a Hypervisor Vendor Woke Up

Almost a year ago, I predicted that eventually the hypervisor vendors will wake up and realize it’s time to get rid of VLANs and decouple virtual networks from the physical world. We’ve got the first glimpse of the brave new world a few weeks after that post was published with the VXLAN launch, but that was still a Cisco’s solution running on top of VMware’s (and now everyone else’s) hypervisor. The recent VMware’s acquisition of Nicira proves that VMware finally woke up big time.

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Could MPLS-over-IP replace VXLAN or NVGRE?

A lot of engineers are concerned with what seems to be frivolous creation of new encapsulation formats supporting virtual networks. While STT makes technical sense (it allows soft switches to use existing NIC TCP offload functionality), it’s harder to figure out the benefits of VXLAN and NVGRE. Scott Lowe wrote a great blog post recently where he asked a very valid question: “Couldn’t we use MPLS over GRE or IP?” We could, but we wouldn’t gain anything by doing that.

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Big Switch and Overlay Networks

A few days ago Big Switch announced they’ll support overlay networks in their upcoming software release. After a brief “told you so” moment (because virtual networks in physical devices don’t scale all that well) I started wondering whether they simply gave up and decided to become a Nicira copycat, so I was more than keen to have a brief chat with Kyle Forster (graciously offered by Isabelle Guis).

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Virtual Networks: the Skype Analogy

I usually use the “Nicira is Skype of virtual networking” analogy when describing the differences between Nicira’s NVP and traditional VLAN-based implementations. Cade Metz liked it so much he used it in his What Is a Virtual Network? It’s Not What You Think It Is article, so I guess a blog post is long overdue.

Before going into more details, you might want to browse through my Cloud Networking Scalability presentation (or watch its recording) – the crucial slide is this one:

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Virtual Networking is more than VMs and VLAN duct tape

VMware has a fantastic-looking cloud provisioning tool – vCloud director. It allows cloud tenants to deploy their VMs and create new virtual networks with a click of a mouse (the underlying network has to provide a range of VLANs, or you could use VXLAN or vCDNI to implement the virtual segments).

Needless to say, when engineers not familiar with the networking intricacies create point-and-click application stacks without firewalls and load balancers, you get some interesting designs.

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Networking Tech Field Day #3: First Impressions

Last week Stephen Foskett and Greg Ferro brought back their merry crew of geeks (and a network security princess) for the third Networking Tech Field Day. We’ve met some exciting new vendors (Infineta and Spirent) and a few long-time friends (Arista, Cisco, NEC and Solarwinds).

Infineta gave us a fantastic deep-dive into deduplication math, and Spirent blew our socks off with their testing gear. As for the generic state of the networking industry, William R. Koss nicely summarized my feelings in a blog post published last Friday:

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Do we really need Stateless Transport Tunneling (STT)

The first question everyone asked after Nicira had published yet another MAC-over-IP tunneling draft was probably “do we really need yet another encapsulation scheme? Aren’t VXLAN or NVGRE enough?” Bruce Davie tried to answer that question in his blog post (and provided more details in another one), and I’ll try to make the answer a bit more graphical.

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VXLAN and EVB questions

Wim (@fracske) De Smet sent me a whole set of very good VXLAN- and EVB-related questions that might be relevant to a wider audience.

If I understand you correctly, you think that VXLAN will win over EVB?

I wouldn’t say they are competing directly from the technology perspective. There are two ways you can design your virtual networks: (a) smart core with simple edge (see also: voice and Frame Relay switches) or (b) smart edge with simple core (see also: Internet). EVB makes option (a) more viable, VXLAN is an early attempt at implementing option (b).

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Nicira Open vSwitch Inside vSphere/ESX

I got intrigued when reading Nicira’s white paper claiming their Open vSwitch can run within vSphere/ESX hypervisor. There are three APIs that you could use to get that job done: dvFilter API (intercepting VM NIC like vCDNI does), the undocumented virtual switch API used by Cisco’s Nexus 1000v, or the device driver interface (intercepting uplink traffic). Turns out Nicira decided to use a fourth approach using nothing but publicly available APIs.

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Nicira uncloaked

Nicira, the OpenFlow startup behind the Open vSwitch, has finally dropped the stealthy cloak. Congratulations!!! Their web site is still pretty sparse on details, but you can get an initial impression of what they’re doing from a number of white papers describing Network Virtualization Platform and DVNI architecture. Short summary: I was almost right, but being a routing-and-switching bloke missed a few interesting bits – OpenFlow (and Open vSwitch) can easily combine security and forwarding functionality.

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VXLAN runs over UDP – does it matter?

Scott Lowe asked a very good question in his Technology Short Take #20:

VXLAN uses UDP for its encapsulation. What about dropped packets, lack of sequencing, etc., that is possible with UDP? What impact is that going to have on the “inner protocol” that’s wrapped inside the VXLAN UDP packets? Or is this not an issue in modern networks any longer?

Short answer: No problem.

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Which virtual networking technology should I use?

After I published the Decouple virtual networking from the physical world article, @paulgear1 sent me a very valid tweet: “You seemed a little short on suggestions about the path forward. What should customers do right now?” Apart from the obvious “it depends”, these are the typical use cases (as I understand them today – please feel free to correct me).

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VXLAN, IP multicast, OpenFlow and control planes

A few days ago I had the privilege of being part of an VXLAN-related tweetfest with @bradhedlund, @scott_lowe, @cloudtoad, @JuanLage, @trumanboyes (and probably a few others) and decided to write a blog post explaining the problems VXLAN faces due to lack of control plane, how it uses IP multicast to solve that shortcoming, and how OpenFlow could be used in an alternate architecture to solve those same problems.

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