Category: data center

The Sad State of Enterprise Networking

John wrote an optimistic comment to my fashionable designs rant:

Nobody in their right mind does "fashionable" things when dealing with infrastructures that are required to be solid, dependable and robust.

Unfortunately many enterprises aren’t that prudent – the last Expert Express engagement I had in 2015 was yet another customer who lost two major data centers due to a bridging loop spilling over a stretched VLAN infrastructure.

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Broadcom Tomahawk 101

Juniper recently launched their Tomahawk-based switch (QFX5200) and included a lot of information on the switching hardware in one of their public presentations (similar to what Cisco did with Nexus 9300), so I got a non-NDA glimpse into the latest Broadcom chipset.

You’ll get more information on QFX5200 as well as other Tomahawk-based switches in the Data Center Fabrics Update webinar in spring 2016.

Here’s what I understood the presentation said:

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The Grumpy Old Network Architects and Facebook

Nuno wrote an interesting comment to my Stretched Firewalls across L3 DCI blog post:

You're an old school, disciplined networking leader that architects networks based on rock-solid, time-tested designs. But it seems that the prevailing fashion in network design and availability go against your traditional design principles: inter-site firewall clustering, inter-site vMotion, DCI, etc.

Not so fast, my young padawan.

Let’s define prevailing fashion first. You might define it as Kool-Aid id peddled by snake oil salesmen or cool network designs by people who know what they’re doing. If we stick with the first definition, you’re absolutely right.

Now let’s look at the second camp: how people who know what they’re doing build their network (Amazon VPC, Microsoft Azure or Bing, Google, Facebook, a number of other large-scale networks). You’ll find L3 down to ToR switch (or even virtual switch), and absolutely no inter-site vMotion or clustering – because they don’t want to bet their service, ads or likes on the whims of technology that was designed to emulate thick yellow cable.

Want to know how to design an application to work over a stable network? Watch my Designing Active-Active and Disaster Recovery Data Centers webinar.

This isn't the first time that readers have asked you about these technologies, and it won't be the last. Vendors will continue to market them despite their shortcomings, and customers will continue to eat them up.

As long as there will be someone willing to believe in fairy tales and Santa Claus, there will be someone dressed in red coat and fake beard yelling “Ho, Ho, Ho!”

Enterprise IT managers sometimes act like small kids. They don’t want to hear that they have people- and process problems, and love to believe that the next magical bit of technology will solve whatever it is that bothers them. Vendors obviously love to explore these cravings and sell them ever-more-complex solutions.

I'd like to think that vendors will also continue to work out the kinks and over time the technology will become rock solid and time-tested.

I am positive you can make any technology almost-rock-solid. You can also make pigs fly (see RFC 1925 sect. 2.3). However, have you included the fuel costs in your TCO?

Also, the more complex a technology is, the likelier it is to crash down like a house of cards, and you’ll be left with an incomprehensible mix of bits and pieces that will be impossible to put back together (see also: You can’t reformat your data center).

Nino concluded his comment with a question:

Are you too stuck on past, traditional designs and not being open to new ways of building IT? I get that IT is very cyclical, and these new trends may die in the future...or thrive, and the customers may either fail...or succeed.

I am very open to new ways of building IT. I preach the need for meaningful SDN (not the centralized control plane crap), network automation, and proper application architecture. I just refuse to believe in fairy tales, and solving non-technical problems with technology.


Looking for more red pills? Explore my SDN webinars, Designing Active/Active Data Centers webinar, and vMotion-related blog posts.

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Can You Afford to Reformat Your Data Center?

I love listening to the Datanauts podcast (Ethan and Chris are fantastic hosts), starting from the very first episode (hyper-converged infrastructure) in which Chris made a very valid comment along the lines of “with the hyper-converged infrastructure it’s possible to get so many things done without knowing too much about any individual thing…” and I immediately thought “… and what happens when it fails?

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Presentation: All You Need Are Two Switches

I was asked to present a data-center-related talk last week and decided to focus on one of my favorite topics: because most people don’t have more than a few hundred servers in their data center, they don’t need more than two switches (or a rack of servers).

Not surprisingly, an equipment reseller sitting in the room was not amused.

The video and the slide deck are already online, but there’s a minor challenge: the whole event was in Slovenian ;) However, I plan to record the same topic in English once my SDN travels stop.

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Learn to Speak Your Peer’s Language with Webinars

One of the reasons I started creating webinars was to help networking engineers grasp the basics of adjacent technologies like virtualization and storage. Based on feedback from an attendee of my Introduction to Virtual Networking webinar it works:

I am completely on the Network side of the house and understand what I need to build for Storage/Data replication, but I really never thoroughly understood why. This allowed me to have a coherent discussion with my counterparts in DB and Storage and some of the pitfalls that can occur if we try to cowboy the network design.

Recommendation: if you have a similar problem, start with Introduction to Virtual Networking and continue with Data Center 3.0 webinar.

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Stretched Firewalls across Layer-3 DCI? Will the Madness Ever Stop?

I got this question from one of my readers (and based on these comments he’s not the only one facing this challenge):

I was wondering if you can do a blog post on Cisco's new ASA 5585-X clustering. My company recently purchased a few of these with the intent to run their cross data center active/active firewalls but found out we cannot do this without OTV or a layer 2 DCI.

A while ago I expressed my opinion about these ideas, but it seems some people still don’t get it. However, a picture is worth a thousand words, so maybe this will work:

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Designing Active-Active and Disaster Recovery Data Centers

A year ago I was a firm believer in the unlimited powers of Software-Defined Data Centers and their ability to simplify workload migrations. After all, if you can use an API to create any data center object, what’s stopping you from moving the workload running in a data center to another location.

As always, there’s a huge difference between theory and reality.

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What Happens When a Data Center Fabric Switch Fails?

I got into an interesting discussion with a fellow networking engineer trying to understand the impact of a switch failure in a L2/L3 data center fabric (anything from Avaya’s fabric or Brocade’s VCS Fabric to Cisco’s FabricPath, ACI or Juniper’s QFabric) on MAC and ARP tables.

Here’s my take on the problem – have I missed anything?

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