Please Respond: MANRS Customer Survey

Andrei Robachevsky asked me to spread the word about the new MANRS+ customer survey:

MANRS is conducting a survey for organizations that contract connectivity providers to learn more about if and how routing security fits into their broader supply chain security strategy. If this is your organization, or if it is your customers, we welcome you to take or share the survey at

I hope you immediately clicked on the link and completed the survey. If you’re still here wondering what’s going on, here’s some more information from Andrei:

I’d like to approach you regarding the new work we are doing in MANRS, called MANRS+. There is a working group developing an extended set of requirements for connectivity providers that will be the basis for an elevated tier in MANRS and a certification scheme. The idea is that MANRS+ will inform decisions of enterprise customers when choosing a provider. Matt Davy and I are co-chairing this effort.

This work is at the stage where we need to better understand the importance and value proposition of various routing security requirements for the enterprise customers. As a secondary goal, we’d like to raise awareness that routing security is essentially supply chain security for many of them. To accomplish this, we developed a survey.

If you have any questions about MANRS+ and the survey, please let us know. If you are interested in this effort and would like to take part in shaping this up, we will be happy to welcome you in the WG!

Finally, if you don’t know what MANRS is: it’s a global initiative that works hard to reduce the common global routing threats. Considering we’re all benefitting from their work1, it seems like answering a few questions (if you happen to be involved with BGP connectivity or connectivity provider selection) is the very minimum we can do. Thank you!

Last but definitely not least: I talked about MANRS and the adoption of their BGP security principles by Tier-1 providers in the Internet Routing Security webinar.

  1. Unless you never use the Internet, in which case I have no idea how you’re reading this blog post. ↩︎

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