Test DHCP Relaying with netlab

After figuring out how DHCP relaying works, I decided to test it out in a lab. netlab has no DHCP configuration module (at the moment); the easiest way forward seemed to be custom configuration templates combined with a few extra attributes.

Lab Topology

This is how I set up the lab:

  • I created simple lab topology with DHCP server (IOSv), DHCP client (another IOSv), and a relaying node that could be anything that supports DHCP relaying.
lab topology

lab topology

Lab IP addressing
  Interface                  IPv4 address  Description
srv (
  GigabitEthernet0/1  srv -> relay

relay (
  GigabitEthernet0/1  relay -> srv
  GigabitEthernet0/2  relay -> user

user (
  GigabitEthernet0/1  user -> relay
  • I used interface attribute dhcp.client (boolean) on the client and dhcp.server (node name, string) on the relay node. This is how I defined those attributes:
Extra DHCP attributes
    client: bool
    server: str
DHCP client, relay, and server groups
    members: [ srv ]
    module: [ ospf ]
    config: [ dhcp-server ]
    device: iosv
    members: [ user ]
    config: [ dhcp-client ]
    device: iosv
    members: [ relay ]
    module: [ ospf ]
    config: [ dhcp-relay ]
  • I’m running OSPF between DHCP relay and DHCP server. While that’s not how you’d set up a typical DHCP server, it allows me to relay DHCP requests to the DHCP server loopback interface.
  • Finally, I had to define the nodes and the links:
Nodes and links
nodes: [ srv, relay, user ]

- relay-srv
- user:
    dhcp.client: True
    dhcp.server: srv
  type: lan
I set the link type on the link between user and relay switch to LAN to ensure it gets a /24 prefix. Doing DHCP on a /30 prefix is boring.

As always, you can find the final topology file on GitHub.

Configuration Templates

Now for the fun part: custom configuration templates (also on GitHub). The client template was trivial:

  • Find interfaces with dhcp.client attribute
  • Remove static IPv4 address from them
  • Enable DHCP client on the interface
DHCP client configuration template
{% for intf in interfaces if intf.dhcp.client is defined and intf.dhcp.client %}
interface {{ intf.ifname }}
 no ip address
 ip address dhcp
{% endfor %}

The relaying template was already a bit more convoluted. I had to find the interfaces with dhcp.server attribute and then find the loopback IP address of the DHCP server to use in the helper-address command. Interestingly, I could use identical template for Cisco IOSv and Arista vEOS.

DHCP relay configuration template
{% for intf in interfaces if intf.dhcp.server is defined %}
interface {{ intf.ifname }}
 ip helper-address {{ hostvars[intf.dhcp.server].loopback.ipv4|ipaddr('address') }}
{% endfor %}

Finally the DHCP server template. This one is a beast:

  • It iterates over all other nodes in the Ansible inventory and finds interfaces with dhcp.server attribute (relaying interfaces)
  • For each relaying interface, the template excludes its IPv4 address from the DHCP pool, and creates a corresponding pool with the relaying interface IPv4 address as the default router.
  • I also turned on debugging in the configuration template so I could log into the DHCP server and inspect the logs immediately after netlab up completes its job.
DHCP server configuration template
logging buffered
no service timestamp debug
do debug ip dhcp server packet
do debug ip dhcp server event
{% for h,v in hostvars.items() %}
{%   for intf in v.interfaces if intf.dhcp.server is defined and intf.ipv4 is defined %}
ip dhcp excluded-address {{ intf.ipv4|ipaddr('address') }}
{%   endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% for h,v in hostvars.items() %}
{%   for intf in v.interfaces if intf.dhcp.server is defined and intf.ipv4 is defined %}
ip dhcp pool p_{{ intf.ipv4|ipaddr('network') }}
 network {{ intf.ipv4|ipaddr('network') }} {{ intf.ipv4|ipaddr('netmask') }} 
 default-router {{ intf.ipv4|ipaddr('address') }}
{%   endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Here are the extra configuration commands generated by these templates:

Cisco IOS DHCP client configuration
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
 no ip address
 ip address dhcp
Cisco IOS DHCP relay configuration
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
 ip helper-address
Cisco IOS DHCP server configuration (including debugging commands)
logging buffered
no service timestamp debug
do debug ip dhcp server packet
do debug ip dhcp server event
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool p_172.16.0.0

You can find the final device configurations using Arista EOS on the DHCP relay in the GitHub netlab-example repository.

Does It Work?

You bet. Here’s the printout from the client router:

user#show dhcp lease
Temp IP addr:  for peer on Interface: GigabitEthernet0/1
Temp  sub net mask:
   DHCP Lease server:, state: 5 Bound
   DHCP transaction id: EAB
   Lease: 86400 secs,  Renewal: 43200 secs,  Rebind: 75600 secs
Temp default-gateway addr:
   Next timer fires after: 11:59:35
   Retry count: 0   Client-ID: cisco-5254.002c.2b7b-Gi0/1
   Client-ID hex dump: 636973636F2D353235342E303032632E
   Hostname: user

There seems to be a tiny glitch in the printout: the DHCP relay is forwarding DHCP requests to, but the DHCP client claims it’s talking with DHCP server with IP address – the LAN interface IPv4 address of the DHCP server. The change of IP address is a perfect implementation of RFC 2131 which says:

If the server has received a message through a DHCP relay agent, the server SHOULD choose an address from the interface on which the message was recieved [sic] as the ‘server identifier’ (unless the server has other, better information on which to make its choice).

It’s nice to see things working exactly the way they should ;)

Fighting Repeatability Crisis One Lab at a Time

Want to run this lab on your own, or try it out with different devices? No problem:

Next: VRF-Aware DHCP Relaying Lab Continue

Blog posts in DHCP Relaying series


  1. Keen to see the next post as I fought with inter VRF DHCP relay on Cisco XR for some time in a lab and can't remember the version but got no help as the hardware didn't reproduce the problem.

    Even in CML2 packet comes in from the client (I had it come over a VPLS in one VRF), then relayed to the server (on a physical port in the main vrf), the response comes back to the box and it would get dropped no logs nothing. Add ACL, remove ACL, moving interfaces between VRFs, added full routing between VRFs, nothing.

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