Implement Private VLAN Functionality with Linux Bridge and Libvirt
I wanted to test routing protocol behavior (IS-IS in particular) on partially meshed multi-access layer-2 networks like private VLANs or Carrier Ethernet E-Tree service. I recently spent plenty of time creating a Vagrant/libvirt lab environment on my Intel NUC running Ubuntu 20.04, and I wanted to use that environment in my tests.
Challenge-of-the-day: How do you implement private VLAN functionality with Vagrant using libvirt plugin?
There might be interesting KVM/libvirt options I’ve missed, but so far I figured two ways of connecting Vagrant-controlled virtual machines in libvirt environment:
- Use UDP tunnels to create point-to-point pseudowires.
- Use Linux bridges.
Partially meshed networks becomes interesting when you have more than two nodes. Linux bridge it is.
Next challenge: how do you implement private VLAN on a Linux bridge?
There are tons of posts on the Internet describing how to use ebtables to implement partial connectivity between devices connected to a Linux bridge (including a really good one by Vincent Bernat), but all those recipes seemed way too complex. Finally I stumbled upon isolated option of bridge command – another one of those wonderful features documented in a single sentence on a man page.
Controls whether a given port will be isolated, which means it will be able to communicate with non-isolated ports only. By default this flag is off.
That seemed to be exactly what I needed. Time to do some tests.
I decided to use a totally isolated Linux bridge with no IP configured on it (preventing any interaction with the host TCP/IP stack). This is (part of the) Vagrantfile I used to create the bridge and connect virtual machines to it:
config.vm.define "c1" do |c1| :private_network,
:libvirt__network_name => "PVLAN",
:libvirt__forward_mode => "veryisolated",
:libvirt__dhcp_enabled => false,
:auto_config => false
Important details:
- The libvirt__network_name is the bridge name within libvirt environment. The Linux bridge name will be different.
- Unless you use veryisolated forwarding mode, Vagrant becomes nervous about lack of usable IP addresses on that subnet.
- Disable DHCP because you can’t run a DHCP server on a network not connected to host TCP/IP stack.
- Disable interface auto-configuration. We’ll configure IP addressing with an Ansible playbook.
After bringing up an environment with three Cisco IOS devices, I configured IP addresses on their GigabitEthernet0/1 interfaces (GigabitEthernet0/0 is used as Vagrant management interface) and performed a quick ping test using this Ansible playbook:
- name: Ping all Ansible hosts connected to target interface
hosts: all
gather_facts: true
target_interface: GigabitEthernet0/1
- cisco.ios.ios_ping:
dest: "{{ hostvars[item].ansible_net_interfaces[target_interface]
.ipv4[0].address }}"
count: 3
loop: "{{ groups['all'] }}"
when: item != inventory_hostname
A few notes:
- I’m using network device fact gathering (available in Ansible 2.9 or 2.10, never figured that out) to get configured IP addresses. The list of addresses configured on individual interfaces is available in ansible_net_interfaces.
- The ios_ping task is run in a loop that is executed for all Ansible devices in group all. Yes, I know that also means every device will ping itself. Sometimes that’s not a bad idea.
- The IP address to ping is extracted from the ansible_net_interfaces host variable for the target host. I’m using the first IPv4 address assigned to the specified interface name.
Here’s a screen shot of the first run of that playbook:

Pings work. Life is good.
Next step: enable port isolation on ports connecting two out of three virtual machines to my Linux bridge. To do that, I needed to know the names of the interfaces created by Vagrant libvirt provider. The easiest way to get them is to get the list of interfaces connected to the virtual machines I wanted to isolate:
$ virsh domiflist PVLAN_c2
Interface Type Source Model MAC
vnet2 network vagrant-libvirt e1000 08:4f:a9:00:00:02
vnet3 network PVLAN e1000 52:54:00:55:90:8f
$ virsh domiflist PVLAN_c3
Interface Type Source Model MAC
vnet4 network vagrant-libvirt e1000 08:4f:a9:00:00:03
vnet5 network PVLAN e1000 52:54:00:11:59:14
- Names of virtual machines created by Vagrant are a combination of Vagrantfile directory and VM name specified in Vagrantfile. I have my Vagrantfile in NBMA directory, and the VM names are c1, c2 and c3.
- The interfaces listed in the printout are Linux interfaces, the name of the bridge (Source) is libvirt private network name. To find the name of the underlying Linux bridge use virsh net-info.
After enabling port isolation on vnet3 and vnet5 with bridge link set dev name isolated on, c2 and c3 can no longer ping each other. Mission accomplished.

C2 and C3 can no longer ping each other
The mandatory final step: automate all the boring tasks. The interface names can change every time Vagrant recreates the environment, so I needed a more generic solution. This is a Bash script I’m using to enable bridge port isolation.
domain_prefix=$(basename $(pwd))
isolated='c2 c3'
for node in $isolated
device=$(virsh domiflist $domain|grep ${pvlan_switch}|awk '{ print $1 }')
if [ -n "$device" ]; then
echo "VM $domain is attached to ${pvlan_switch} with $device"
sudo bridge link set dev $device isolated on
echo "... $device isolated"
echo "VM $domain is NOT attached to ${pvlan_switch}"
- Yes, virsh is as bad as Cisco IOS – it cannot spell JSON. I had to use awk to get the device name I needed. Stop complaining about the awful state of Cisco IOS show commands.
More Information
- I covered fact gathering on network devices in the Getting Operational Data part of Ansible for Networking Engineers webinar.
- Dinesh Dutt covered network simulation with Vagrant in Network Simulation Tools part of Network Automation Tools webinar.
- Brad Searle published a large collections of useful Vagrant-with-libvirt tricks.
Finally, there’s no better way to master network automation than enrolling in Building Network Automation Solutions online course.