Worth Reading: Back to Basics
I’m not the only one ranting about the need to get a firm grasp on fundamentals before doing the sexy stuff. Found an old blog post by Joel Spolsky (of the Law of Leaky Abstractions fame) on the exact same topic from programming perspective.
If you ever had to deal with a programming language, it’s definitely worth reading… but some of the details might make your head explode. You’ve been warned ;)
OTOH, using Stack Overflow as your sole source-of-truth without ever investing time into understanding the bigger picture leads you to where you deserve to be ;))
Now we (me too) only needs to find quickly some details but general understanding (the basics are understood).
Younger generations may follow "try & error" path where the "Stack Overflow" is really helpful when you do not have enough experience & education.
talking about older posts, head exploding programmer related basics :)