New Webinar: vSphere 6 Networking Deep Dive

The VMware Networking Deep Dive webinar was getting pretty old and outdated, but I always managed to get an excuse to postpone its refresh – first it was lack of new features in vSphere releases, then bad timing (doesn’t make sense to do a refresh in June with new release coming out in August), then lack of documentation (vSphere 6 was announced in August 2014; the documentation appeared in March 2015).

A nice email from one of my favorite customers changed all that.

We agreed on half-week onsite consulting a few months ago, and they wanted to use that time for a customized training/workshop including VMware vSphere deep dive. Obviously I couldn’t do that with three-year-old materials – more than enough of a kick to start the total makeover process.

The new vSphere 6 Networking Deep Dive webinar includes the topics covered in the old one (basics, simple versus distributed switch, VLANs, uplink failover, teaming and load balancing), but also completely new sections on kernel adapters, performance (offloads, SR-IOV), QoS and security (or lack of security features).

The vMotion section has been significantly expanded with storage vMotion, vMotion across routed subnets, vMotion without shared storage. I also added the caveats of long-distance vMotion (not that it would be of much help, but still).

Finally, there’s a whole section on Cisco’s vSphere-specific features, from Nexus 1000V to VM-FEX and Nexus 1000V DFA integration.

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