Sending Wake-on-LAN (WOL) packet with IOS Tcl
Jónatan Þór Jónasson took the time to implement Wake-on-LAN functionality using UDP support introduced in Cisco IOS Tcl in release 15.1(1)T. He found a TCL/TK example of a magic packet being sent, used that as a base, and with small modifications got it to work on his router. Here‘s his code (it’s obviously a proof-of-concept, but you need just a few more lines to get a working Tclsh script):
proc WakeOnLan {broadcastAddr macAddr} {
set net [binary format H* [join [split $macAddr -:] ""]]
set pkt [binary format c* {0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff}]
for {set i 0} {$i < 16} {incr i} {
append pkt $net
# Open UDP and Send the Magic Paket.
set udpSock [udp_open]
fconfigure $udpSock -translation binary \
-remote [list $broadcastAddr 4580] \
-broadcast 1
puts $udpSock $pkt
flush $udpSock;
close $udpSock
For whatever reason, he wasn’t able to generate subnet-specific broadcasts; sending WOL packet to subnet-specific broadcast address didn’t work, while sending it to local broadcast address ( did (obviously sending the packet through all router interfaces).
Remote WOL
Obviously you could use subnet broadcast address of a remote LAN as a unicast destination address if you’d want to wake a remote PC, but that would require directed broadcast support on the remote router, which is not always a good idea. It’s way better to configure a static ARP entry for a real unicast IP address on remote LAN with broadcast MAC address. In both cases, you shouldn’t specify the ‘-broadcast 1’ flag in Tcl (as you’re sending a unicast UDP packet).
Ivan, I've always enabled ip directed broadcast with an ACL permitting only systems that really need to send directed broadcasts.
Is there a practical advantage to the static ARP approach? The "save processing on remote systems via IP filtering on the endpoint" angle doesn't resonate with me because I trust the systems allowed by the ACL.
If I should be re-evaluating my strategy I'd like to know :-)
Seriously, there's no need to reevaluate your strategy.