IP over DWDM

A while ago I was pushed (actually it was a kind nudge) into another interesting technology area: optical networks, with emphasis on IP over DWDM. I realized almost immediately that I’d encountered another huge can of worms. A few issues you can stumble across when trying to plug routers or switches directly into DWDM networks are documented in my IP over dense wave division multiplexing (DWDM): Metro and core issues article recently published by SearchTelecom.com.


  1. I feel yah. I just started work for an ISP and am getting introduced to transport. This is just a whole new rabbit hole to jump into.

    I have very little experience with SONET/SDH, DWDM and transport. Do you have any books or material that you recommend for this subject?

  2. I feel yah. I just started work for an ISP and am getting introduced to transport. This is just a whole new rabbit hole to jump into.

    I have very little experience with SONET/SDH, DWDM and transport. Do you have any books or material that you recommend for this subject?

  3. You might want to check out CWDM. Much cheaper to start up, and (and this is major) pure passive equipment options on short distance (short distance : theoretically 20km, practically 40km, and you might get lucky at 50km, with the new sfp's that should go on sale this year that's supposed to get closer to 100 km).

    The optics come in 8 colors, and are very cheap indeed. And I can't overemphasize the advantage that passive equipment is : no power required, no power failures.
  4. On my job we have DWDM 12 Gb/s over 75Km long and it works pretty well, we migrated from ATM to DWDM and we are very happy with this new technology.
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