IP over DWDM
A while ago I was pushed (actually it was a kind nudge) into another interesting technology area: optical networks, with emphasis on IP over DWDM. I realized almost immediately that I’d encountered another huge can of worms. A few issues you can stumble across when trying to plug routers or switches directly into DWDM networks are documented in my IP over dense wave division multiplexing (DWDM): Metro and core issues article recently published by SearchTelecom.com.
I have very little experience with SONET/SDH, DWDM and transport. Do you have any books or material that you recommend for this subject?
I have very little experience with SONET/SDH, DWDM and transport. Do you have any books or material that you recommend for this subject?
The optics come in 8 colors, and are very cheap indeed. And I can't overemphasize the advantage that passive equipment is : no power required, no power failures.