Please Comment: Is Asymmetric Routing Harmful?
We've always been trying to minimize asymmetric routing, in both design and implementation phase, as it impacts a number of IP services/features, including:
- Network Address Translation;
- Content-based Access Control (CBAC);
- Reflexive access lists;
- Redundant firewalls (at least until recently);
- IP Multicast;
In some scenarios, asymmetric routing can impact delay/jitter and consequently the perceived quality of service.
However, asymmetric routing is a reality within the Internet (it's close to impossible to guarantee symmetric routing even for multi-homed end users) and it might even help in some scenarios (low-speed/low-delay upstream link with high-speed/high-delay downstream link).
What's your opinion? Is asymmetric routing harmful? Should we strive to avoid it ... or do you just accept it as one of facts of life?
To be clear, asymmetry, far from being considered a negative, is often *desirable*.
Indeed, traffic demands in any realistic IP network are very often asymmetric in volume, i.e. A sends to B more that B to A. This is a natural asymmetry inherent in general purpose IP networks usage patterns.
On the side note: if a network carries *only* voice traffic, this argument doesn't apply, since voice traffic matrices are almost perfectly symmetric.
Forcing artificial path symmetry onto network with sufficiently asymmetric traffic matrix would result in suboptimal resource utilization and possibly congestion on overloaded paths.
Sometimes, symmetric routing is *percieved* as easier to understand and troubleshoot, but in reality it doesn't make much difference.
All in all, forced path symmetry, unless dictated by stateful network elements, doesn't buy you much, but can lead to suboptimalities in your network. IMHO, routing symmetry per se is not a valid design goal, but optimal routing in terms of network utilization is.
Cheers, UC
Another example is spoofinc prevention when we employ uRPF (
There are other examples like unknown MAC flooding when the asymmetric routing causes switch to flood unkwnon router MAC (HSRP environment with aymmetric routing).
I do not think the aymmetric routing is completelly harmless if you do not have stateful elements on the path... It's much more complex problem when you deal with complex networks.