Enable password or enable secret?
I've stumbled across a blog post that indicates there's still confusion on some fundamental configuration issues. I will not even try to guess whether there is a wide consensus on how to configure a router, but these are the facts (and here is a ten year old position from Cisco):
- Type-7 encryption used in enable password has been broken. Source code for the decrypt program and cracker programs are available online, or you could use a router to do it for you.
- The type-7 encryption is reversible (and easily breakable due to a weak algorithm), whereas type-5 encryption is a one-way encryption that probably requires a dictionary attack to break.
- Based on the previous two facts, you should never use enable password. Use enable secret.
- The service password-encryption encodes passwords attached to local usernames with type-7 encryption. The usage of type-7 encryption is necessary as you might need the cleartext passwords in some authentication mechanisms (for example, CHAP). However, it's still better to have scrambled passwords than cleartext ones; at least a casual observer will not be able to read them. Conclusion: use service password-encryption.
- If your authentication methods don't need cleartext passwords (examples: local username/password authentication, local AAA authentication or PAP authentication), use username secret configuration command (available from IOS releases 12.2T, 12.3 and 12.0S).
Oh well - to the source - http://tinyurl.com/m5oeu - had to use tinyurl because CCO is now using those horrible 200+ chars URLs . . .
A couple comments:
* most of the freely available Type-7 decryption programs fail with long passwords. I'll see if I can find an email address for you, Ivan, and send you one that actually works
* you forgot to mention Type 6 encryption - aka "Encrypt Pre-shared Keys in IKE" - again, tinyurl to the rescue: http://tinyurl.com/3dj6az
* and considering we're talking about passwords - how about mentioning also the "no service password-recovery" feature? - http://tinyurl.com/yptmfx
I don't write about quantum physics because I know zilch about it. Nick should follow my example and not write about IOS and security ;)
Thanks for all the other comments. The type-6 encryption stuff is particularly interesting; too bad they are not using it for all password encryption (they could, as it's reversible). But then I guess some IOS development groups don't talk to each other.
A post about "no service password-recovery" (and its interesting side-effects on some platforms) is in the queue.
And, last but not least, don't be so hard on Nick :) It's always good to see the world from a different perspective (and this particular perspective shows that Cisco should be more aggressive in documenting their security recommendations).
Problem with long passwords is because many programs has only half lenght of the master key.
I've always thought that calling the one-way type-5 "encryption" instead of "hashing" was Cisco's way of trying to confuse beginners about cryptographic terminology. But perhaps I'm wrong...
They could have retained the "encryption" terminology when type-5 was introduced to avoid beginner's confusion :)
what pass is that?
i need it dycripted...
It seems that on Nexus a different 'password 7' algorithm is used.
A password of 'cisco123' encrypts on Nexus to 'fewhg123'.
password required 7 fewhg123
Does anyone have (Perl) code for decoding this?