Category: show filters
Quick tip: display interface bandwidth
To display bandwidths of all interfaces configured on the router use show interface | include protocol|BW command.
Quick tip: display interface IP addresses
To display IP addresses assigned to router’s interfaces (excluding interfaces with no IP address) use show ip interface brief | exclude unassigned command.
Simple CLI extensions: handling special characters
For example, to display all routes advertised by customers of AS X, you'd use the following show command: show ip bgp regexp _X_([0-9]+)(_\1)*$ (the regular expression is explained in the AS-path based filter of customer BGP routes post). This command cannot be entered as a Tcl string with variable substitution; Tcl would interpret the [ and \ characters. You could enter the whole command in curly braces, but then there would be no variable substitution that we need to insert command line parameters. To make Tcl happy, use the following Tcl commands:
- set cmd {first-part-of-command} stores the command prefix into the cmd variable;
- append cmd $argv appends the command line arguments to the command;
- append cmd {rest-of-command} appends the rest of the IOS exec command;
- puts [exec $cmd] executes the command and prints the results.
For example, the following code will display the customers of a BGP AS specified in the command line (after being stored in a flash file and defined in an alias, of course):
set cmd {show ip bgp regexp _}
append cmd $argv
append cmd {_([0-9]+)(_\1)*$}
puts [exec $cmd]
Simple extensions to exec-mode CLI
Display locally originated BGP routes
Displaying the BGP routes originated in the local AS is simple: you just filter the BGP table with a regular expression matching an empty AS path. Displaying routes originated by the local router is tougher. You could use the fact that the local routes have the weight set to 32768:
PE-A#show ip bgp quote-regexp "^$" | inc Network|32768
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*> 0 32768 i
This would work if you don’t play with BGP weights in network statements. If you’ve changed the weights, you should filter the routes based on the BGP next-hop: locally originated routes have the next-hop and all other routes should have a non-zero BGP next-hop. To filter BGP routes based on the next-hop you have to:
- Define an access-list that matches desired next-hop (
- Define a route-map that uses the access-list to match IP next hop.
- Display BGP routes matched by a route-map.
A sample configuration and show command printout is included below:
ip access-list standard AllZeros
route-map NextHopSelf permit 10
match ip next-hop AllZeros
PE-A#show ip bgp route-map NextHopSelf | begin Network
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*> 0 32768 i
To make this command simpler to use, define an alias: alias exec mybgp show ip bgp route-map NextHopSelf | begin Network.
Display BGP routes originated in the local AS
The easiest way to display BGP routes originating in the local autonomous system is to use the regular expression ^$ (empty AS-path) in the show ip bgp regexp command, for example:
PE-A#show ip bgp regexp ^$
BGP table version is 10, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
r RIB-failure, S Stale
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*> 0 32768 i
r>i10.0.1.2/32 0 100 0 i
If you want to apply a show filter to the printout of this command, you have to use the quote-regexp variant; otherwise the rest of the line is interpreted as regular expression. To skip the header explaining the BGP status code (we know them by heart by now, don’t we?), use …
PE-A#show ip bgp quote-regexp "^$" | begin Network
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*> 0 32768 i
r>i10.0.1.2/32 0 100 0 i
… and end with the eye candy – define this command as an alias: alias exec localbgp show ip bgp quote-regexp "^$" | begin Network.
A bug in the IOS “section” filter
Display operational IPv6 interfaces
PE-A#show ipv6 interface brief | section up
Serial1/0 [up/up]
Serial1/1 [up/up]
Loopback0 [up/up]
The definition of the associated follow-up lines depends on the printout. Usually the indented lines are assumed to belong to a section, but you might be surprised.
Display the names of the configured route-maps
I’m probably getting old … I keep forgetting the exact names (and capitalization) of route-maps I’ve configured on the router. The show route-maps command is way too verbose when I’m simply looking for the exact name of the route-map I want to use, so I wrote a Tcl script that displays the names of the route-maps configured on the router. If you add a -d switch, it also displays their descriptions (to be more precise, the first description configured in the route-map).
Show active IOS processes
- The [0-9.]+% pattern will match any non-zero percentage;
- The 0.00% pattern will obviously match the zero-percentage display;
- As the percentage figures are separated by various amounts of whitespace characters, we have to use the ' +' pattern to match those;
Display IP packet filters attached to router's interfaces
- Download it from my web site and copy it to your router's flash or NVRAM.
- Define an alias, for example alias exec filters tclsh flash:packetFilters.tcl.
The script recognizes two parameters: the all parameter displays all interfaces, including ones with no access lists and the verbose parameter displays the contents of the access list after the interface name.
Skip the “show ip route” legend
Update: The “show ip interface” command I've always wanted to have
After I've published the Tcl script that displays the interface IP parameters in a formatted table, cos quickly pointed out a bug: I've expected the IP addresses in the address mask format. In the meantime, I've figured out the root cause of the problem (our remote labs are set to display IP masks in decimal format for compatibility reasons) and fixed the Tcl script. It temporarily sets the terminal ip netmask-format to bit-count before executing the show command. The new script recognizes three parameters:
- active: display only interfaces that are up/up;
- configured: display only interfaces with configured IP addresses (unnumbered interfaces using IP address of an interface without one count as configured since IOS reports their IP address as
- address: displays IP address of the unnumbered interface, not the interface that it's borrowing the address from.
The “show ip interface” command I've always wanted to have
To use it, download it and store it into the flash memory of your router. Configure alias exec ipconfig tclsh flash:ipInterfaces.tcl and you can use ipconfig or ipconfig active to display interface IP addresses.
Periodic execution of IOS show commands
event manager applet SaveInterfaceStatusNotes:
event timer watchdog name SaveIfStat time 60
action 1.0 cli command "show ip interface brief | redirect ftp://username@password:host/path"
action 2.0 syslog msg "Interface status saved"
- The timer watchdog EEM event defines a recurring event triggered every X seconds.
- Output of a show command can be redirected only to a TFTP or FTP server, redirection to a web (HTTP) server does not work yet.
- The syslog action is configured for debugging purposes only and can be removed in production environment.
- More complex functionality (for example, sending show command output in an email) can be implemented with help of Tcl EEM policies