Category: IP routing

Using IP Prefixes, AS Numbers and Domain Names in Examples

Keep in mind: Use private IP addresses, AS numbers and domain names in all technical documentation you're producing (unless, of course, you're describing an actual network). If you're forced to use public addresses or AS numbers (for example, to illustrate how the neighbor remote-private-as command works), you should clearly state that they are imaginary.

You can safely use:

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Control Plane Protection inbound packet classification

The inability of Control Plane host interface to detect inbound OSPF packets has prompted Sebastian and myself to search for more documentation and conduct further tests. Sebastian already had a working configuration from which he could infer most of the configuration rules and he also found the well-written Understanding CPPr document on CCO. Together with the tests I ran in my router lab, we're pretty confident the CPPr inbound packet classification rules are (approximately) as follows:

Use the latest 12.4T software (at least 12.4(15)T5) if you want reliable CPPr operation.

  • control-plane aggregate service-policy disables any control-plane subinterface service policies.
  • If you want to use the per-subinterface (host, transit and cef-exception) policies, you have to remove the inbound service policy from the control-plane aggregate path.
  • Routed packets that cannot be CEF-switched (have to be punted to another switching mechanism) are classified as transit packets.
  • Local multicast packets with destination IP addresses within IP prefix and packets with TTL <= 1 are classified as transit packets in 12.4(15)T5. These packets will be classified as cef-exception packets in the future (see the Understanding CPPr document).
  • Unicast packets without IP options addressed to the router and having TTL > 1 are classified as host packets.
  • Non-IP traffic (ARP, Frame Relay keepalives, CDP ...) is classified as cef-exception.

The TTL-related rules explain why the router classifies IBGP packets as host packets and EBGP packets as transit packets. As soon as you configure neighbor ebgp-multihop on the router router, inbound EBGP packets become host packets.

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Which routing protocol do you use?

Years ago EIGRP and OSPF had strong presence in large enterprise networks, BGP was used solely by Internet Service providers and IS-IS was a rarity (and there were people using Banyan Vines).

The situation has probably changed over the last years, I would (sadly) expect EIGRP to decline and (happily) BGP to grow. Let's figure it out; please respond to this week's readers' poll. Of course you can choose more than one routing protocol.
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RTBH links (and thanks for the acronym :)

One of the comments to my Sunday post mentioned RTBH. Obviously I'm not geeky enough, as I had to ask uncle Google for help (but don't worry, I'll work on my geekiness factor :).

The search results produced a few very interesting links, among them a well-structured presentation on RTBH that refers to a paper describing how you can detect remote DoS attacks with the backscatter analysis (assuming the attackers are randomly spoofing source IP addresses).
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Please Comment: Is Asymmetric Routing Harmful?

We've always been trying to minimize asymmetric routing, in both design and implementation phase, as it impacts a number of IP services/features, including:

  • Network Address Translation;
  • Content-based Access Control (CBAC);
  • Reflexive access lists;
  • Redundant firewalls (at least until recently);
  • IP Multicast;

In some scenarios, asymmetric routing can impact delay/jitter and consequently the perceived quality of service.

However, asymmetric routing is a reality within the Internet (it's close to impossible to guarantee symmetric routing even for multi-homed end users) and it might even help in some scenarios (low-speed/low-delay upstream link with high-speed/high-delay downstream link).

What's your opinion? Is asymmetric routing harmful? Should we strive to avoid it ... or do you just accept it as one of facts of life?

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Almost-Dynamic Routing over ADSL Interfaces

Recently I had to implement Internet access using ADSL as the primary link and ISDN as the backup link. Obviously the most versatile solution would use the techniques described in my Small Site Multi-homing articles, but the peculiarities of Cisco IOS implementation of the ADSL technology resulted in a much simpler solution.

IOS implementation of PPPoE links uses dialer interfaces. However, the “dialing” on these interfaces is activated as soon as the underlying PPPoE session is active (before the first interesting packet is routed to the interface). When the simulated dial-out occurs, the router starts PPP negotiations including the IPCP handshake, which usually results in an IP address assigned to the dialer interface. Net result: if the dialer interface has an IP address, the PPPoE session is obviously active (and vice versa).

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Remove unwanted PPP peer route

When IOS started supporting dynamic allocation of IPCP (IP over PPP) addresses, it also got the mechanism to insert a dynamic host route toward the neighbor's IP address once the IP addresses were negotiated. This mechanism makes perfect sense in dynamic address allocation environments, as the subnet mask is not negotiated with IPCP. Without a host route toward the other end of the PPP link, there would be no easy way to reach the IP prefixes reachable via the PPP link.
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Redistributing Customer Routes into BGP

I'm often promoting the idea of separating customer routing from core routing in the design articles I write. The only viable solution (unless you want to implement MPLS VPN and migrate customer routing into VPNv4) is to carry customer routes in BGP, redistributing them into BGP from other routing sources. On the other hand, I’m telling you that you should advertise only static IP prefixes into the public Internet. Obviously there’s a seeming disconnect between the two advices.

However, the dilemma is easily solved with the no-export BGP community that prevents an IP prefix from being advertised over EBGP sessions. Whenever you redistribute customer routes into BGP, you should attach the no-export community to them, ensuring that only the statically advertised IP prefixes will be propagated outside of your AS boundaries.

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The short story of the “ip default-network” command

Brian Dennis wrote a long post about the unexpected side effects of the ip default-network command. The Cisco documentation describes the “side effects” but in an even more obscure manner.

What's really happening is this:
  • If the parameter of the ip default-network command is a major network, it specifies the default route (how it gets inserted into the routing protocol you're using is a completely different story).
  • If the parameter is a subnet of a major network, it specifies the default subnet for the network.

In any case, it's an obscure leftover from the classful days that should probably never be used today outside of a CCIE lab.

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OSPF Default Route Based on IP SLA

Olivier Guillemain has asked an interesting question: “how could I originate a default route into OSPF based on IP SLA (for example, based on pinging a remote IP address)?

This is very easy to do when the router originating the default route into OSPF needs an SLA-based default route itself:

  1. Configure IP SLA and a corresponding track object;
  2. Configure a default route using reliable static routing
  3. Advertise the default route into OSPF with the default-information originate router configuration command

The solution is a bit more complex when the router originating the default route into OSPF should not have a default route. In this case, you could use a routing trick:

  1. Configure IP SLA and a corresponding track object as before;
  2. Use reliable static routing to configure a static host route for a bogus IP address (for example, pointing to null0 (for example, ip route null 0 track 100). Obviously, this host route should not be redistributed into any routing protocol.
  3. Conditionally advertise default route into OSPF based on presence of the static host route.
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Configure the default route based on the presence of a BGP session

You've probably already heard the phrase "When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" (and seen people acting according to it). Likewise, if you have an IOS release with EEM support, a lot of things that would require smart design could be solved in a brute-force way with a few EEM applets. For example, the problem of the BGP default route could be solved “easily” with a few applets that track syslog messages reporting when the BGP neighbors go up/down.
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