BGP Labs: The Basics

The first BGP labs are online. They cover the basic stuff (one has to start with the basics, right?):

The labs are supposed to be run on virtual devices, but if you’re stubborn enough it’s possible to make them work with the physical gear. In theory, you could use any system you like to set up the virtual lab (including GNS3 and CML/VIRL), but your life will be way easier if you use netlab – it supports BGP on almost 20 different devices. For more details, read the Installation and Setup documentation.

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BGP Labs: Simple Routing Policy Tools

The first set of BGP labs covered the basics, the next four will help you master simple routing policy tools (BGP weights, AS-path filters, prefix filters) using real-life examples:

The labs are best used with netlab (it supports BGP on almost 20 different devices), but you could use any system you like (including GNS3 and CML/VIRL). If you’re stubborn enough it’s possible to make them work with the physical gear, but don’t ask me for help. For more details, read the Installation and Setup documentation.

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BGP Labs: Protect EBGP Sessions

I published another BGP labs exercise a few days ago. You can use it to practice EBGP session protection, including Generalized TTL Security Mechanism (GTSM) and TCP MD5 checksums1.

I would strongly recommend to run BGP labs with netlab, but if you like extra work, feel free to use any system you like including physical hardware.

  1. I would love to add TCP-AO to the mix, but it’s not yet supported by the Linux kernel, and so cannot be used in Cumulus Linux or FRR containers. ↩︎

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BGP Labs: Multivendor External Routers

A quick update BGP Labs project status update: now that netlab release 1.6.4 is out I could remove the dependency on using Cumulus Linux as the external BGP router.

You can use any device that is supported by bgp.session and bgp.policy plugins as the external BGP router. You could use Arista EOS, Aruba AOS-CX, Cisco IOSv, Cisco IOS-XE, Cumulus Linux or FRR as external BGP routers with netlab release 1.6.4, and I’m positive Jeroen van Bemmel will add Nokia SR Linux to that list.

If you’re not ready for a netlab upgrade, you can keep using Cumulus Linux as external BGP routers (I’ll explain the behind-the-scenes magic in another blog post, I’m at the Deep Conference this week).

For more details read the updated BGP Labs Software Installation and Lab Setup guide.

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BGP Labs: Set BGP Communities on Outgoing Updates

It’s hard to influence the behavior of someone with strong opinions (just ask any parent with a screaming toddler), and trying to persuade an upstream ISP not to send the traffic over a backup link is no exception – sometimes even AS path prepending is not a strong enough argument.

An easy solution to this problem was proposed in 1990s – what if we could attach some extra attributes (called communities just to confuse everyone) to BGP updates and use them to tell adjacent autonomous systems to lower their BGP local preference? You can practice doing that in the Attach BGP Communities to Outgoing BGP Updates lab exercise.

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