One-Arm Hub-and-Spoke VPN with MPLS/VPN
All our previous designs of the hub-and-spoke VPN (single PE, EVPN) used two VRFs for the hub device (ingress VRF and egress VRF). Is it possible to build a one-arm hub-and-spoke VPN where the hub device exchanges traffic with the PE router over a single link?
TL&DR: Yes, but only on some devices (for example, Cisco IOS or FRRouting) when using MPLS transport.
Here’s a high-level diagram of what we’d like to achieve:

You’re not wrong if you think this looks exactly like a common-services VPN topology. However, we’ll use a routing trick and a very particular feature of the MPLS transport to make it work as a hub-and-spoke VPN.
Before going into the details: this is the netlab lab topology we’ll use to build the network (source code):
defaults.device: iosv
module: [ bgp ]
plugin: [ bgp.session ]
device: frr
provider: clab
members: [ ce_s1, ce_s2, ce_hub ]
members: [ pe_a, pe_b, pe_h ]
module: [ ospf, bgp, vrf, mpls ] 65000
mpls.vpn: True
mpls.ldp: True
links: [ pe_a-ce_s1 ]
export: [ 65000:100 ]
import: [ 65000:101 ]
links: [ pe_b-ce_s2 ]
export: [ 65000:100 ]
import: [ 65000:101 ]
import: [ 65000:100 ]
export: [ 65000:101 ]
- pe_h:
bgp.default_originate: True
module: [ mpls, ospf ]
ce_hub: 65100
ce_s1: 65101
ce_s2: 65102
links: [ pe_a-p, pe_b-p, pe_h-p ]
Most of the topology has been explained in the previous blog posts (single PE, EVPN); here’s the gist of the minor changes:
- We’ll use Cisco IOSv virtual machines as the PE- and P routers and FRRouting containers as the CE routers (lines 1, 8-9)
- The PE routers will use the OSPF, BGP, MPLS, and VRF netlab modules (line 13). The P router will use only the OSPF and the MPLS modules (line 41).
- All MPLS-enabled routers will run LDP (line 17). PE routers will also run MPLS/VPN (line 15).
Now for the fun part:
- We’re using the alternate approach to implement common services VRFs1. All spoke VRFs export routes with a common RT (lines 22,26); those routes are imported into the
VRF (line 29). Thehub
VRF exports its routes with a different route target (line 30) that is then used to import routes into the spoke VRFs (lines 23,27). - The crucial bit: the hub router is advertising a default route (line 34)2.
Does this really work? Of course it does, or I wouldn’t be writing this blog post ;) Packets from CE_S1 to CE_S23 traverse:
on PE_A - P router
on PE_H - Ethernet interface on CE_HUB
on PE_H - P router
on PE_B
$ netlab connect ce_s1 traceroute ce_s2
Connecting to container clab-hub-spoke-on-ce_s1, executing traceroute -w 1 ce_s2
traceroute to ce_s2 (, 30 hops max, 46 byte packets
1 GigabitEthernet0-2.s_1.pe_a ( 0.421 ms 0.360 ms 0.271 ms
2 GigabitEthernet0-1.p ( 0.883 ms 0.683 ms 0.537 ms
3 GigabitEthernet0-2.hub.pe_h ( 0.522 ms 0.542 ms 0.489 ms
4 eth1.ce_hub ( 0.554 ms 0.513 ms 0.424 ms
5 GigabitEthernet0-2.hub.pe_h ( 0.611 ms 0.470 ms 0.546 ms
6 GigabitEthernet0-3.p ( 1.031 ms 0.934 ms 1.100 ms
7 GigabitEthernet0-2.s_2.pe_b ( 1.037 ms 0.968 ms 0.976 ms
8 ce_s2 ( 1.004 ms 1.069 ms 1.083 ms
Behind the Scenes
The second part of the packet’s path (CE_HUB to CE_S2) is trivial (we’ve covered it in the previous blog posts), but how does a packet get from CE_S1 to CE_HUB?
As we know, CE_HUB advertises the default route. That default route is converted into a VPNv4 route and sent to PE_A and PE_B, which import it into S_1 and S_2 VRFs:
pe_a#show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf s_1
BGP table version is 15, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
r RIB-failure, S Stale, m multipath, b backup-path, f RT-Filter,
x best-external, a additional-path, c RIB-compressed,
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
RPKI validation codes: V valid, I invalid, N Not found
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path
Route Distinguisher: 65000:1 (default for vrf s_1) VRF Router ID
*>i 0 100 0 65100 i
*>i 0 100 0 65100 i
*> 0 0 65101 i
*> 0 32768 ?
*>i 0 100 0 ?
As we’re using the MPLS transport, there’s a label attached to the default route:
pe_a#show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf s_1
BGP routing table entry for 65000:1:, version 10
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table s_1)
Advertised to update-groups:
Refresh Epoch 1
65100, imported path from 65000:3: (global) (metric 3) (via default) from (
Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
Extended Community: RT:65000:101
mpls labels in/out nolabel/16
rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0x0
Label 16 (advertised by PE_HUB) is prepended to all packets forwarded via the default route. Now let’s see what PE_HUB does when it receives packets with MPLS label 16:
pe_h#show mpls forwarding-table labels 16 detail
Local Outgoing Prefix Bytes Label Outgoing Next Hop
Label Label or Tunnel Id Switched interface
16 No Label[V] 2826 Gi0/2
MAC/Encaps=14/14, MRU=1504, Label Stack{}
VPN route: hub
No output feature configured
The LFIB entry for label 16 on PE_HUB says:
- Pop label 16 (replace label 16 with no label)
- Send the packet to interface Gi0/2
- The next hop on interface Gi0/2 is (Ethernet interface on CE_HUB)
- The MAC header to use is
After inspecting the ARP entries for the hub
VRF, it’s easy to figure out that the MAC header contains the MAC address of CE_HUB, the MAC address of PE_H, and the IP protocol type (0x0800):
pe_h#show arp vrf hub
Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface
Internet - 5254.0054.ac4f ARPA GigabitEthernet0/2
Internet 46 aac1.ab11.8cb3 ARPA GigabitEthernet0/2
Summary: PE_H does not inspect the IP packet it receives from PE_A. It performs an MPLS label lookup, finds the outgoing interface and the corresponding layer-2 header from the MPLS label, and sends the packet toward the next hop without ever involving the IP forwarding code.
Per-Prefix or Per-VRF Labels
Now for the bad news: the trick described in this blog works only when PE_H allocates MPLS labels to individual prefixes. Some devices (including Arista EOS) don’t do that but assign labels to VRFs. This is the route PE_H running Arista EOS advertises to PE_A:
pe-a#show bgp vpn-ipv4 detail
BGP routing table information for VRF default
Router identifier, local AS number 65000
BGP routing table entry for IPv4 prefix, Route Distinguisher: 65000:3
Paths: 1 available
65100 from (
Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, weight 0, tag 0, valid, internal, best
Extended Community: Route-Target-AS:65000:101
Remote MPLS label: 100000
And this is the LFIB entry for label 100000 on PE_H:
pe-h#show mpls route 100000
100000 [0]
via I, ipv4, vrf hub
The LFIB entry does not contain an outgoing interface; it points to the hub
VRF forwarding table. The traceroute from CE_S1 to CE_S2 thus gets to PE_H but not to CE_HUB4:
$ netlab connect ce_s1 traceroute ce_s2
traceroute to ce_s2 (, 30 hops max, 46 byte packets
1 Ethernet2.s_1.pe_a ( 0.003 ms 0.002 ms 0.001 ms
2 Ethernet1.p ( 2.705 ms 0.952 ms 0.827 ms
3 Ethernet1.pe_h ( 0.740 ms 0.668 ms 0.619 ms
4 Ethernet1.pe_b ( 1.889 ms 1.293 ms 1.163 ms
5 ce_s2 ( 1.352 ms 1.271 ms 1.226 ms
Finally, a quick detour. If you use VXLAN transport with the EVPN control plane, the VRF transit VNI acts like a per-VRF label (it identifies the VRF on the egress router). Thus, it’s impossible to implement a one-arm hub-and-spoke topology with VXLAN transport.
Next: Per-Prefix and Per-VRF MPLS/VPN and EVPN Labels/VNIs Continue
Try It Out
Want to try it out yourself? Unfortunately, you cannot do it in GitHub Codespaces:
- You cannot run virtual machines in GitHub Codespaces. Junos, IOS, or IOS XR are out.
- FRRouting or VyOS containers use Linux MPLS drivers; you cannot load them in GitHub Codespaces.
- Arista cEOS has a user-mode MPLS data plane but does not support per-prefix label allocation.
- SR Linux requires a license to run MPLS.
Anyway, if you want to try the lab without investing in installing vendor VMs, you can use FRRouting containers:
- Install netlab into a Ubuntu VM (FRRouting works on Apple silicon).
- Copy the topology file into an empty directory.
- Execute netlab up -p clab -d frr.
- Configure label vpn export allocation-mode per-nexthop within the address-family ipv4 of the router bgp 65000 vrf hub configuration of PE_H.
The only bits you would be missing with this setup would be the intermediate routers in the traceroute output; it looks like Linux cannot forward the ICMP TTL-exceeded packets along an MPLS path (I may be missing something, in which case please leave a comment).
$ netlab connect ce_s1 traceroute ce_s2 -w 1
traceroute to ce_s2 (, 30 hops max, 46 byte packets
1 eth2.s_1.pe_a ( 0.004 ms 0.003 ms 0.001 ms
2 * * *
3 eth1.ce_hub ( 0.005 ms 0.001 ms 0.001 ms
4 eth1.pe_h ( 0.000 ms 0.004 ms 0.004 ms
5 * * *
6 ce_s2 ( 0.032 ms 0.001 ms 0.001 ms
The approach described in the Common Services VRF with EVPN Control Plane would work as well, but this one scales better. ↩︎
It could also advertise a summary prefix that covers all the spoke address space. ↩︎
You’ll get the fancy hostnames that include VRFs and interfaces in netlab release 1.9.1. ↩︎
It also looks like PE_H would not decrement TTL when turning the IP packet around. The P router is not visible in the path from PE_H to PE_B. ↩︎