One-Arm Hub-and-Spoke VPN with MPLS/VPN

All our previous designs of the hub-and-spoke VPN (single PE, EVPN) used two VRFs for the hub device (ingress VRF and egress VRF). Is it possible to build a one-arm hub-and-spoke VPN where the hub device exchanges traffic with the PE router over a single link?

TL&DR: Yes, but only on some devices (for example, Cisco IOS or FRRouting) when using MPLS transport.

Here’s a high-level diagram of what we’d like to achieve:

You’re not wrong if you think this looks exactly like a common-services VPN topology. However, we’ll use a routing trick and a very particular feature of the MPLS transport to make it work as a hub-and-spoke VPN.

Before going into the details: this is the netlab lab topology we’ll use to build the network (source code):

defaults.device: iosv

module: [ bgp ]
plugin: [ bgp.session ]

    device: frr
    provider: clab
    members: [ ce_s1, ce_s2, ce_hub ]
    members: [ pe_a, pe_b, pe_h ]
    module: [ ospf, bgp, vrf, mpls ] 65000
    mpls.vpn: True

mpls.ldp: True

    links: [ pe_a-ce_s1 ]
    export: [ 65000:100 ]
    import: [ 65000:101 ]
    links: [ pe_b-ce_s2 ]
    export: [ 65000:100 ]
    import: [ 65000:101 ]
    import: [ 65000:100 ]
    export: [ 65000:101 ]
    - pe_h:
        bgp.default_originate: True

    module: [ mpls, ospf ]
  ce_hub: 65100
  ce_s1: 65101
  ce_s2: 65102

links: [ pe_a-p, pe_b-p, pe_h-p ]

Most of the topology has been explained in the previous blog posts (single PE, EVPN); here’s the gist of the minor changes:

  • We’ll use Cisco IOSv virtual machines as the PE- and P routers and FRRouting containers as the CE routers (lines 1, 8-9)
  • The PE routers will use the OSPF, BGP, MPLS, and VRF netlab modules (line 13). The P router will use only the OSPF and the MPLS modules (line 41).
  • All MPLS-enabled routers will run LDP (line 17). PE routers will also run MPLS/VPN (line 15).

Now for the fun part:

  • We’re using the alternate approach to implement common services VRFs1. All spoke VRFs export routes with a common RT (lines 22,26); those routes are imported into the hub VRF (line 29). The hub VRF exports its routes with a different route target (line 30) that is then used to import routes into the spoke VRFs (lines 23,27).
  • The crucial bit: the hub router is advertising a default route (line 34)2.

Does this really work? Of course it does, or I wouldn’t be writing this blog post ;) Packets from CE_S1 to CE_S23 traverse:

  • VRF s_1 on PE_A
  • P router
  • VRF hub on PE_H
  • Ethernet interface on CE_HUB
  • VRF hub on PE_H
  • P router
  • VRF s_2on PE_B
$ netlab connect ce_s1 traceroute ce_s2
Connecting to container clab-hub-spoke-on-ce_s1, executing traceroute -w 1 ce_s2
traceroute to ce_s2 (, 30 hops max, 46 byte packets
 1  GigabitEthernet0-2.s_1.pe_a (  0.421 ms  0.360 ms  0.271 ms
 2  GigabitEthernet0-1.p (  0.883 ms  0.683 ms  0.537 ms
 3  GigabitEthernet0-2.hub.pe_h (  0.522 ms  0.542 ms  0.489 ms
 4  eth1.ce_hub (  0.554 ms  0.513 ms  0.424 ms
 5  GigabitEthernet0-2.hub.pe_h (  0.611 ms  0.470 ms  0.546 ms
 6  GigabitEthernet0-3.p (  1.031 ms  0.934 ms  1.100 ms
 7  GigabitEthernet0-2.s_2.pe_b (  1.037 ms  0.968 ms  0.976 ms
 8  ce_s2 (  1.004 ms  1.069 ms  1.083 ms

Behind the Scenes

The second part of the packet’s path (CE_HUB to CE_S2) is trivial (we’ve covered it in the previous blog posts), but how does a packet get from CE_S1 to CE_HUB?

As we know, CE_HUB advertises the default route. That default route is converted into a VPNv4 route and sent to PE_A and PE_B, which import it into S_1 and S_2 VRFs:

VPNv4 routes associated with VRF S_1 on PE_A
pe_a#show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf s_1
BGP table version is 15, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
              r RIB-failure, S Stale, m multipath, b backup-path, f RT-Filter,
              x best-external, a additional-path, c RIB-compressed,
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
RPKI validation codes: V valid, I invalid, N Not found

     Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
Route Distinguisher: 65000:1 (default for vrf s_1) VRF Router ID
 *>i                 0    100      0 65100 i
 *>i                 0    100      0 65100 i
 *>               0             0 65101 i
 *>                  0         32768 ?
 *>i                 0    100      0 ?

As we’re using the MPLS transport, there’s a label attached to the default route:

The details of the default route in VRF S_1 on PE_A
pe_a#show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf s_1
BGP routing table entry for 65000:1:, version 10
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table s_1)
  Advertised to update-groups:
  Refresh Epoch 1
  65100, imported path from 65000:3: (global) (metric 3) (via default) from (
      Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
      Extended Community: RT:65000:101
      mpls labels in/out nolabel/16
      rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0x0

Label 16 (advertised by PE_HUB) is prepended to all packets forwarded via the default route. Now let’s see what PE_HUB does when it receives packets with MPLS label 16:

pe_h#show mpls forwarding-table labels 16 detail
Local      Outgoing   Prefix           Bytes Label   Outgoing   Next Hop
Label      Label      or Tunnel Id     Switched      interface
16         No Label[V]     2826          Gi0/2
	MAC/Encaps=14/14, MRU=1504, Label Stack{}
	VPN route: hub
	No output feature configured

The LFIB entry for label 16 on PE_HUB says:

  • Pop label 16 (replace label 16 with no label)
  • Send the packet to interface Gi0/2
  • The next hop on interface Gi0/2 is (Ethernet interface on CE_HUB)
  • The MAC header to use is AAC1AB118CB352540054AC4F0800

After inspecting the ARP entries for the hub VRF, it’s easy to figure out that the MAC header contains the MAC address of CE_HUB, the MAC address of PE_H, and the IP protocol type (0x0800):

ARP entries for the hub VRF on PE_H
pe_h#show arp vrf hub
Protocol  Address          Age (min)  Hardware Addr   Type   Interface
Internet              -   5254.0054.ac4f  ARPA   GigabitEthernet0/2
Internet             46   aac1.ab11.8cb3  ARPA   GigabitEthernet0/2

Summary: PE_H does not inspect the IP packet it receives from PE_A. It performs an MPLS label lookup, finds the outgoing interface and the corresponding layer-2 header from the MPLS label, and sends the packet toward the next hop without ever involving the IP forwarding code.

Per-Prefix or Per-VRF Labels

Now for the bad news: the trick described in this blog works only when PE_H allocates MPLS labels to individual prefixes. Some devices (including Arista EOS) don’t do that but assign labels to VRFs. This is the route PE_H running Arista EOS advertises to PE_A:

Default route in VRF S_1 as advertised by PE_H running Arista EOS
pe-a#show bgp vpn-ipv4 detail
BGP routing table information for VRF default
Router identifier, local AS number 65000
BGP routing table entry for IPv4 prefix, Route Distinguisher: 65000:3
 Paths: 1 available
  65100 from (
      Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, weight 0, tag 0, valid, internal, best
      Extended Community: Route-Target-AS:65000:101
      Remote MPLS label: 100000

And this is the LFIB entry for label 100000 on PE_H:

LFIB entry PE_H attaches to the default route it receives from CE_HUB
pe-h#show mpls route 100000
 100000   [0]
                via I, ipv4, vrf hub

The LFIB entry does not contain an outgoing interface; it points to the hub VRF forwarding table. The traceroute from CE_S1 to CE_S2 thus gets to PE_H but not to CE_HUB4:

$ netlab connect ce_s1 traceroute ce_s2
traceroute to ce_s2 (, 30 hops max, 46 byte packets
 1  Ethernet2.s_1.pe_a (  0.003 ms  0.002 ms  0.001 ms
 2  Ethernet1.p (  2.705 ms  0.952 ms  0.827 ms
 3  Ethernet1.pe_h (  0.740 ms  0.668 ms  0.619 ms
 4  Ethernet1.pe_b (  1.889 ms  1.293 ms  1.163 ms
 5  ce_s2 (  1.352 ms  1.271 ms  1.226 ms

Finally, a quick detour. If you use VXLAN transport with the EVPN control plane, the VRF transit VNI acts like a per-VRF label (it identifies the VRF on the egress router). Thus, it’s impossible to implement a one-arm hub-and-spoke topology with VXLAN transport.

Next: Per-Prefix and Per-VRF MPLS/VPN and EVPN Labels/VNIs Continue

Try It Out

Want to try it out yourself? Unfortunately, you cannot do it in GitHub Codespaces:

  • You cannot run virtual machines in GitHub Codespaces. Junos, IOS, or IOS XR are out.
  • FRRouting or VyOS containers use Linux MPLS drivers; you cannot load them in GitHub Codespaces.
  • Arista cEOS has a user-mode MPLS data plane but does not support per-prefix label allocation.
  • SR Linux requires a license to run MPLS.

Anyway, if you want to try the lab without investing in installing vendor VMs, you can use FRRouting containers:

The only bits you would be missing with this setup would be the intermediate routers in the traceroute output; it looks like Linux cannot forward the ICMP TTL-exceeded packets along an MPLS path (I may be missing something, in which case please leave a comment).

Traceroute from CE_S1 to CE_S2 when using FRRouting containers as PE- and P routers
$ netlab connect ce_s1 traceroute ce_s2 -w 1
traceroute to ce_s2 (, 30 hops max, 46 byte packets
 1  eth2.s_1.pe_a (  0.004 ms  0.003 ms  0.001 ms
 2  *  *  *
 3  eth1.ce_hub (  0.005 ms  0.001 ms  0.001 ms
 4  eth1.pe_h (  0.000 ms  0.004 ms  0.004 ms
 5  *  *  *
 6  ce_s2 (  0.032 ms  0.001 ms  0.001 ms

  1. The approach described in the Common Services VRF with EVPN Control Plane would work as well, but this one scales better. ↩︎

  2. It could also advertise a summary prefix that covers all the spoke address space. ↩︎

  3. You’ll get the fancy hostnames that include VRFs and interfaces in netlab release 1.9.1. ↩︎

  4. It also looks like PE_H would not decrement TTL when turning the IP packet around. The P router is not visible in the path from PE_H to PE_B. ↩︎

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