Master New Platforms and Technologies with netlab

One of my readers sent me this remark (probably while trying to work on the EBGP Sessions over the IPv6 LLA Interfaces lab):

I did attempt some of your labs, like IPv6 link-local-only BGP with FRR hosts, but FRR seemed not to play ball, or I was just doing it wrong.

As he was already using netlab, I could send him a cheat code:

netlab supports interface EBGP sessions, and we tested them with FRR, so we know they work. Create the corresponding topology, start the lab, and explore ;)

Let’s unpack this:

As always, the documentation could lag behind the implemented features (or we could overpromise and underdeliver). Whenever in doubt, explore the list of tested features. For example, these are the BGP features that were tested to work on FRR.

But wait, it gets better: you can generate the configurations for any device supported by netlab without having the virtualization environment or the device images installed:

  • Create the desired topology.
  • Transform the topology with netlab create
  • Create the initial device configurations with netlab initial -o

As before, you don’t have to install netlab (or any software) to get that done; use GitHub codespaces or start the prebuilt netlab container.

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