Changing Cisco IOS BGP Policies Based on IP SLA Measurements
This is a guest blog post by Philippe Jounin, Senior Network Architect at Orange Business Services.
You could use track objects in Cisco IOS to track route reachability or metric, the status of an interface, or IP SLA compliance for a long time. Initially you could use them to implement reliable static routing (or even shut down a BGP session) or trigger EEM scripts. With a bit more work (and a few more EEM scripts) you could use object tracking to create time-dependent static routes.
Cisco IOS 15 has introduced Enhanced Object Tracking that allows first-hop router protocols like VRRP or HSRP to use tracking state to modify their behavior.
Although it is not documented, I was curious to test if object tracking may be used inside a BGP route-map. This would provide a nice alternative to BGP knobs like inject-maps or advertise-maps, but also make BGP react to ip SLA measurements, just like a brand new SD-WAN network!
My lab consists of 2 routers connected with 2 links (replace direct links with IPSec tunnels if you are thinking about SD-WAN). The traffic between the two endpoints should go through Link1 if the link’s delay is below 10 ms, and go through Link2 otherwise (obviously only if Link2 is available).
Collecting the delay between the routers is quite easy with the IP SLA Monitoring feature:
ip sla 65000
udp-echo 3456
threshold 10
timeout 100
frequency 3
ip sla schedule 65000 life forever start-time now
ip sla responder
The IP SLA measurement is linked with an object in order to monitor the SLA compliance. The tracking object will be up if the delay is below 10 msec and down otherwise. I’m also using dampening timers (15 seconds on delay increase, 30 seconds on decrease).
track 65 ip sla 65000
delay down 15 up 30
match track 65
Using the tracking object inside a route-map allows BGP to change some attributes after a the tracking object changes state. In this lab, we change Link1 local preference in order to reflect the IP SLA status.
router bgp 65000
bgp log-neighbor-changes
neighbor remote-as 65000
neighbor description -- Link 1 --
neighbor route-map DynamicLP out
neighbor remote-as 65000
neighbor description -- Link 2 –
route-map DynamicLP permit 10
description -- SLA in profile: primary path --
match track 65
set local-preference 200
route-map DynamicLP permit 20
description -- SLA out of profile: backup path --
set local-preference 50
As expected, the local preference is correctly set by the route-map depending on the link SLA.
At t=10s, we set a jitter of 50ms, randomly increasing the delay on the Link1. The tracking object status changes after about 20 seconds and BGP advertises the new local preference after another 30 seconds, moving the traffic to Link2.
Of course, if we remove the jitter, the traffic returns to Link1

and on the other end I'd implemented something like that:
policy-statement main_bgp2rib {
term 1 {
from community self-asn;
then {
local-preference 200;
community self-asn members 65000:65XXX;
On the other side, good SD-WAN solutions have inline packet performance and measurement. This means that stats are measured with every packet. IP SLA packets can give a different hash than the production traffic. Therefore IP SLA can check a different path in the underlay network.
An another case may be treating packets on the same path differently. So IP SLA packets are small and the production traffic packets are bigger. Which introduces discrepancy in characteristics. Inline performance monitoring in let's say "real" SD-WAN can detect it. To imitate it in IP SLA we should generate sweep range of probe sizes.
Agree, with some tuning we could have a similar feature to this in SD-WAN. :)
Just because we have nerd knobs doesn't mean that we have to use them, or that we should fix every broken thing out there with a potpourri of nerd knobs. Long-term a good design always beats a heap of kludges.
it is true, they combine some technologies, but the same they can say about Cisco routers. Also, could you please remember me what kind of technology on routers/switches allowed what I mentioned before?
About security, could you please tell me the version of some IOS-XE which is secure in your opinion?
Sending the same packets over a different links to figure out which one is the best, only gives you relyable information for that instant. Sending the same packets over multiple lines consistently is an obvious waste of bandwith.
In terms of security, I pointed to two publicly available resources. If you specifically want to know more about the security of IOS-XE I suggest that (1) you have a look at the CVEs issues so far, (2) have a look at the overall architecture, and (3) do an extensive pentest.
So, what is the answer, could you remember the technology we could use in traditional networks based on routers and switches that provided the same I described in the first answer? Btw, you don't need to send to copies of packets for all traffic, you can do it only for some most critical, so there is no any waste of bandwidth. And benefit - zero time outage for this kind of traffic in case of problem on some link.
About security - the question was about what is secure in your opinion comparing to SD-WAN products. I read those articles from your link, ok, some vulnerabilities mentioned. What is the alternative? Is there any secure product without such vulnerabilities? Oh, they found vulnerability in API, but stop, didn't we have the same API vulnerability on Cisco recently? Default SNMP community Public for RO - seriously? I saw the same on the equipment from most of other vendors I worked with.
As I understand security issues related to SD-WAN, the main reason is that it positioned as so nice tool that unqualified people can easily manage it. But if SD-WAN admins only knows the web-interface of SD-WAN orchestrator and don't understand the underlying technologies, after they will have SNMP and API opened from the public internet, for example.
You keep referring to Cisco vulnerabilities, but fail to mention which SD-WAN solution you are referring to. Security is part of a product and delivered to a large extent by products. For starters: It is quite riky to run all processes with root access. If you don't separate encryption from reouting you have an inherent problem. Encryption requires secure keys, i.e. a proper key management system. The SD-WAN products I saw and looked at in more detail did for sure not excel in terms of key management system. Some have a level tat would have been acceptable in 2010, but that is not OK since 2012. I respect NDAs (contrary to some vendors), so I will not go public with details concerning those vendors. I am restricted to point at other sources.
Decent network encryption equipment is not available from mainstream vendors. It also seems news to most people that network encryption includes firewall functionalities at the native layer (process, bypass, drop). There is equipment out there that is secure and provides a high level of security and doesn't need contant patches or unplanned maintenance windows. You might just not be familiar with it.
For the current state of SD-WAN security you might also want to have a look at this:
Common names *
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Serial Number 14024b6c9a33c98c107ec87d9dd35696
Valid from Wed, 14 Jun 2017 00:00:00 UTC
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Personally, I don't believe that it is possible to create any absolutely secure product, so there should be many layers of security, or, let's say, security on all layers, not just encryption.
Thales e-Security is in a transitional phase as Thales has acquired Gemalto and is restructuring the e-Security portfolio as part of an organizational restructureing.
I agree that there is no 100% security. In terms of Datacryptor 5000 Thales cannot forget anything in their product, especially not certificates. The Datacryptor 5000 does not use certificates and is built on the Atmedia platform.
Network security is one security layer and for those transits covered vy it, it also covers for shortcomings in application security. The more code and the more dependencies, the lower the probabiliy of a high level of security. When looking at network encryption the objective is to have a secure device using secure algorithms and interacting with secure devices. That is much more of a challenge than one would assume. One has to really dig deep to understand network encryption systems and how they are implemented in order to make a reasonable security assessment. Some vendors are cooperative, other less so, and mostly with good reason.
G'day guys,
A couple of questions on this configuration example:
Shouldn't the DynamicLP route-map be applied inbound and not outbound as shown here?
Also, will this work between Cisco and Juniper?
Not an expert by any stretch of imagination, so just basic questions from me to begin with.
Thank you.
@colossus: You're right (but interestingly, it did work ;) - if you want to change local route selection, you should apply route map inbound. Applying it in the outbound direction changes the route selection on the other end of the link (but it still works because it's just two routers, two links, and IBGP, so LocPref is propagated).
As for "working between Cisco and Juniper": if you influence local route selection, then it doesn't matter what else you're using (by definition), if you're using Local Preference to influence remote route selection then it will always work within the same autonomous system (because that's how BGP works).
This is an awesome explanation and example! Thank you!