Whitebox Switching at LinkedIn with Russ White on Software Gone Wild
When LinkedIn announced their Project Falco I knew exactly what one of my future Software Gone Wild podcasts would be: a chat with Russ White (Mr. CCDE, now network architect @ LinkedIn).
It took us a long while (and then the summer break intervened) but I finally got it published: Episode 62 is waiting for you.
Recent posts in the same categories
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- netlab on Packet Pushers
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- netsim-tools (now netlab) on the Modem Podcast
- Bringing New Engineers into Networking on Software Gone Wild
- Podcast: State of Networking (Early 2021)
- Routed Interfaces on Layer-3 Switches and Internal VLANs
- The Linux Bridge MTU Hell
- EVPN Rerouting After LAG Member Failures
- MLAG Deep Dive: LAG Member Failures in VXLAN Fabrics
- MLAG Deep Dive: Dealing with LAG Member Failures
- AMS-IX Outage: Layer-2 Strikes Again
Things I would to take from this podcast are:
- Technology is more important than the feature-set
- You should own your architecture if you wanna control your future.
- When a vendor pushes your architecture, hence it pushes your business!
- Build something around your Business architecture.
- It's all about sharing and caring in the networking community!
- You should know why and how things work rather than how to configure them.
- We call it Software Defined, but it's actually running on ASICs :)