The hidden wealth of IOS Tcl
Another undocumented (and thus very probably unsupported) Tcl-on-IOS detail: numerous Tcl packages are bundled with IOS and available in the tmpsys:lib/tcl directory (the tmpsys: is a virtual file system mapped to a part of the IOS image).
The list of Tcl packages seems to be pretty stable; 12.2SRC and 12.4T have the same contents of the tmpsys:lib/tcl directory.
router#dir tmpsys:lib/tcl
Directory of tmpsys:lib/tcl/
13 -r-- 19226 <no date> auto.tcl
23 -r-- 2549 <no date> base.tcl
25 -r-- 7655 <no date> cli_lib.tcl
26 -r-- 2589 <no date> context_lib.tcl
3 drw- 0 <no date> eem_scripts
28 -r-- 185 <no date>
29 -r-- 147 <no date>
30 -r-- 154 <no date>
31 -r-- 156 <no date>
32 -r-- 144 <no date>
33 -r-- 325 <no date>
34 -r-- 135 <no date>
14 -r-- 9135 <no date> history.tcl
15 -r-- 23558 <no date> http.tcl
19 -r-- 17725 <no date> init.tcl
21 -r-- 6932 <no date> ldAout.tcl
24 -r-- 33266 <no date> optparse.tcl
16 -r-- 19415 <no date> package.tcl
20 -r-- 1014 <no date> parray.tcl
17 -r-- 32649 <no date> safe.tcl
27 -r-- 10367 <no date> smtp_lib.tcl
22 -r-- 13659 <no date> tclIndex
18 -r-- 4499 <no date> word.tcl
For whatever weird incomprehensible reason, these packages are not made available to the Tclsh interpreter started from the command line. For example, if you want to use the HTTP package, you cannot execute the package require http command like you would in any normal Tcl environment, but have to use the source "tmpsys:lib/tcl/http.tcl" command.
If you want to safeguard against a potential change-of-mind of IOS Tclsh developers, use this construct:
if {[catch {package require http}]} { source "tmpsys:lib/tcl/http.tcl" }
3825-r01(tcl)#exec "sho run" | redirect tftp://
I'd like to copy a tcl script containing this command into the router's flash and have it run every day at
say 6AM. This should be simple but I can't find any posts about it.
As far as scheduling, you can register an EEM Applet which will trigger on a timer
event manager applet BackupRunning
event timer cron name BackupRunning cron-entry "0 23 * * 6"
action 1 cli command "enable"
action 2 cli command "tclsh flash:BackupRunning.tcl"
Note - In my limited but painful experience, AAA will kill you with TCL. So if you using AAA you're on your own with automating it... :-)
IOS v15 does have a new option when you register the applet to specify authorization bypass that may solve my AAA woes, but I haven't had a chance to test it out.
event manager applet BackupRunning authorization bypass
There was also a bug where AAA authorization would fail under weird circumstances. I know a bug report was filed, I'm not sure whether it was fixed or when.
Ah, curses you are right... :-) I had tried that and it didn't work at first so I moved on to trying to bypass AAA in other ways. I've revisited and determined that I needed both the cli username and the action "enable" to work (I didn't have that originally). Thank you very much for prompting the fresh look!
There was a bug with 12.4(22)T where TCL would only send a null username to AAA. That was fixed in 12.4(22)T2.
Here's my script and EEM config if it is helpful to anyone else. This is to backup flash on a CME router.
- Bryan
proc get_dir {} {
set dir_flash [ exec "dir flash:\n" ]
foreach result $dir_flash {
#Match words ending in .xxx, exclude .bin
if [regexp -nocase {(\S+\.\w+[^bin]$)} $result] {
lappend dir_out $result
return $dir_out
#Replace ftp user/pass and server IP as appropriate
foreach f [get_dir] {
puts "$f"
typeahead "\n"; exec "copy $f ftp://cmehi-1-a:[email protected]\n"
EEM Config:
event manager session cli username "cmnq981"
event manager applet CopyFlash
event timer cron name CopyFlash cron-entry "0 23 * * 6" maxrun 1800
action 1 cli command "enable"
action 2 cli command "tclsh flash:CopyFlash.tcl"