Category: Tcl

The “show ip interface” command I've always wanted to have

Recently I was investigating MTU-related problems and got mightily upset when I had to search for the interface IP MTU size in the long printout produced by the show ip interface command. Obviously I could display the IP MTU size of a single interface with the show ip interface name | include MTU filter, but I wanted to have a nice tabular printout. Obviously it was time for another Tcl script.

To use it, download it and store it into the flash memory of your router. Configure alias exec ipconfig tclsh flash:ipInterfaces.tcl and you can use ipconfig or ipconfig active to display interface IP addresses.
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Reload EEM Tcl policy with help of Tcl shell

Testing Embedded Event Manager (EEM) Tcl policies is a convoluted process:
  • Source file is usually edited on a general-purpose workstation.
  • The file has to be downloaded to router's local storage (EEM does not register non-local policies).
  • The new version of the EEM policy has to be registered with EEM with event manager policy configuration command
  • After all these steps, the new policy can be tested.
While you can use EEM applet to automate this process, slightly more flexible approach (you can specify the policy name to be replaced) can be implemented with Tcl script:
set policy [lindex $argv 0]
set source "tftp://" # replace with your host and directory
set destination "nvram:" # replace with local storage device
if {[string equal $policy ""]} {
return -code error "expected policy name"
puts "replacing policy: $policy"
ios_config "file prompt quiet"
ios_config "no event manager policy $policy" ""
exec "copy $source$policy $destination$policy"
ios_config "event manager policy $policy"
ios_config "no file prompt quiet"
To use the script, follow these steps:
  • Save the script in a .tcl file (for example, changePolicy.tcl)
  • Change the script parameters (remote host and local storage)
  • Save the .tcl file to your router's local storage (you can also run it from a remote server)
  • Configure a command alias, for example alias exec eem tclsh flash:changePolicy.tcl testPolicy.tcl
Now you can replace the target EEM Tcl policy with a simple eem command.

Alternatively, if you define alias exec eem tclsh flash:changePolicy.tcl, you can specify policy name as an argument to the eem command, for example eem testPolicy.tcl.
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Command Authorization Fails with EEM applet or Tcl policy

One of my readers asked an interesting question: „why do the commands executed within a EEM Tcl policy fail with Command authorization fails message?“ The short answer is simple: If you use AAA command authorization (which you can only do if you're using a TACACS+ server), you have to specify the username under which the EEM will execute its CLI commands with the event manager session cli username user configuration command.

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Use Tcl script to change the interface status

During network troubleshooting or proof-of-concept testing, I often change the state of a loopback interface (to insert or remove IP prefix from the routing protocols) or flap it to test the impact on network stability. The traditional approach to this procedure should be known to everyone:
  • Enter configuration mode;
  • Select the appropriate interface with the interface loopback x command;
  • Try to remember whether you need to disable or enable it;
  • Issue the shutdown or no shutdown command;
  • Exit the configuration mode and continue your debugging/testing process.

After a particularly boring testing session I decided to write a Tcl script to automate the job. To use it, download it and store it into ifchange.tcl. Download the Tcl file to your router (Flash or NVRAM) and define an alias: alias exec ifchange tclsh flash:ifchange.tcl. Now you can use the new ifchange command to change interface status.

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IOS Tclsh resources

Before trying to write Tcl procedures to be executed by Cisco IOS tclsh command, read the following articles:

And last but not least, if you want to store Tcl procedures on your router and don't want to write into the router's Flash memory (I hate that the router prompts me whether I want to erase the flash every time I store something into it), you can store them in NVRAM.

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Executing IOS Commands from Tcl Shell

The Tcl procedures used to execute IOS commands in Embedded Event Manager (cli_open, cli_write …) don’t work when you start Tcl shell from command line interface. To execute IOS commands in this context, use:

  • exec command to execute an exec-level command, for example exec “show ip route”
  • ios_config mode command to configure the router

If the first parameter of the ios_config command is a global configuration command, you shall omit the second parameter (for example, ios_config “hostname router”). To configure a parameter in one of the sub-configuration modes (for example, interface state), use the first parameter to specify the configuration mode and the second parameter as the actual configuration command (for example, ios_config “interface loop 0” “no shutdown”).

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Where does the Tcl output go?

You might have wondered what happens with output produced by Tcl procedures (for example, with the puts command) when you use Tcl in Embedded Event Manager (EEM) or Embedded Syslog Manager (ESM). If the Tcl procedure executes in context of a line (console or virtual terminal), the output is sent straight to the attached line, otherwise it's processed by the logging manager (resulting in a syslog message).

There are two scenarios where Tcl would execute in context of a line: if you start a Tcl procedure with the tclsh command or if it's an EEM policy registered with the event_register_cli with sync parameter set to yes.
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Reload EEM Tcl policy with an EEM applet

Developing Embedded Event Manager (EEM) Tcl policies is "a bit" tedious task. Usually you would edit the source file on an external workstation, then you have to download it into the router (IOS will not read EEM policy from an external source), re-register it with EEM (when you register a policy it gets copied from the source file into system:lib/tcl/eem_registered_scripts directory) and test it. To automate this process, I've written a small EEM applet that does the tedious steps automatically.
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Store your EEM Tcl policies in NVRAM

Embedded Event Manager is a bit picky about the location of the EEM Tcl policies: although they are loaded into RAM when registered, they have to reside on the router itself. If you have a low-end router with no flash disk (I'm using 2800-series routers) or USB flash and you don't want to mess with your flash: device (to prevent accidental erasure), the only other place left is NVRAM:. Surprisingly, it works.
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