Networking Fundamentals

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I firmly believe that you cannot be a good networking engineer1 without a firm grasp of the networking fundamentals, and I couldn’t resist pointing that out a few times (see also certifications-related posts):

Regardless of how far down this page you’ll get, these blog posts are a must-read:

I would also suggest exploring these series of blog posts as well as textbooks and other resources I collected:

The rest of the fundamentals-related blog posts are collected on this page.

Network Addressing

Addresses and routes are the basic concepts anyone dealing with a network must (eventually) grasp. These blog posts describe how we got a hierarchy of addresses:

Deep Dives

These blog posts dive deeper into interesting topics:

If you like them, it’s probably time you start exploring the deep-dive series I already mentioned.

A Bit of a History

These blog posts might help you figure out some less obvious details or give you a historical perspective on why networking technologies evolved to where we are right now:

If you want to dive deeper into historical technologies, you might enjoy the comparison of TCP/IP and OSI (CLNP) protocol stacks:

There Be Rants

Long-time readers know I can’t resist a good rant:

Everything Is a Graph

You can represent every network as a graph of network devices (nodes) and links2. Rachel Traylor covered the graph theory in the (free) Network Connectivity, Graph Theory, and Reliable Network Design and Graph Algorithms in Networks webinars; these blog posts might provide some extra details:

Networking Fundamentals Videos

Finally, I published dozens of videos describing the networking concepts as part of the How Networks Really Work webinar that got at least some minor positive feedback. The videos describe:

Business aspects of networking technologies

Some people liked the non-technical take on networking I recorded in 2019 and 2020:

Fallacies of distributed computing

Networking challenges and the importance of a layered approach

Network Addressing

Switching, Routing, and Bridging

Routing Protocols

Lessons Learned from 35 Years of Networking

  1. In the stricter sense, not in the “every CLI jockey is called an engineer these days” one ↩︎

  2. Multi-access networks are represented as pseudo-nodes ↩︎
