Thank You for All the Great Work Miha

Almost exactly a year ago Miha Markočič joined the team. He was fresh out of university, fluent in Python, but with no networking or automation background… so I decided to try my traditional method of getting new team members up to speed: throw them into the deep water, observe how quickly they learn to swim, and give them a few tips if it seems like they might be drowning.

It worked out amazingly well. Miha quickly mastered the intricacies of AWS and Azure, and created full-stack automation solutions in Ansible, Terraform, CloudFormation and Azure Resource Manager to support the AWS and Azure webinars, and the public cloud networking online course.

Seeing how well he coped with the initial challenges we started using him as a webinar moderator, he created hundreds of review questions for networking fundamentals and Docker webinars (I still have to publish some of them), and attacked the ungrateful task of identifying new features AWS, Azure and Ansible rolled out in the last year with gusto. The automation- and cloud update webinars you’ve enjoyed in the last months were all based on his diligent work.

We always knew that Miha will eventually move on. His passion has always been electronics and biosensors, not networking… and once a job opportunity in that area opened up he couldn’t let it pass. Today he’s starting his new job – thank you Miha for all the great work you did, and all the best on your new exciting journey!

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