Guest Speakers in the Building Next-Generation Data Center Course

I managed to get another awesome lineup of guest speakers for the Spring 2017 Building Next-Generation Data Center course (starting in less than a month):

Scott Lowe will open the course with a presentation on the impact of open source software in data center environments. Given his migration from being a traditional storage/virtualization engineer into a full-stack engineer focused on open-source solutions I don’t think anyone could explain it better.

If you’re still wondering whether it makes sense to automate enterprise data center deployments, I hope Thomas Wacker will manage to change your mind. UBS has completely automated data center deployments in the recent years, and he’ll tell us how that was done.

Want to know why everyone is so excited about containers? Stephen Foskett will explain why they matter and why you will have to support them eventually.

We covered tons of network infrastructure topics in the autumn 2017 course (and you get access to all that material the moment you register), but somehow avoided IPv6 completely. We’ll fix that in a few weeks: Ed Horley will talk about the intricacies of data center IPv6 deployments.

Many of my customers are considering hybrid cloud deployments and wondering how to make them secure. Matthias Luft will first categorize the vague security concerns one hears these days, look at known incidents and vulnerabilities, and tell you how you can mitigate them in your cloud deployment strategy.

For the grand finale, we’ll have a round-table discussion with Andrew Lerner and Simon Richard from Gartner.

Interested? Explore the course description, detailed contents, and register now!

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