Reload EEM Tcl policy with help of Tcl shell

Testing Embedded Event Manager (EEM) Tcl policies is a convoluted process:
  • Source file is usually edited on a general-purpose workstation.
  • The file has to be downloaded to router's local storage (EEM does not register non-local policies).
  • The new version of the EEM policy has to be registered with EEM with event manager policy configuration command
  • After all these steps, the new policy can be tested.
While you can use EEM applet to automate this process, slightly more flexible approach (you can specify the policy name to be replaced) can be implemented with Tcl script:
set policy [lindex $argv 0]
set source "tftp://" # replace with your host and directory
set destination "nvram:" # replace with local storage device
if {[string equal $policy ""]} {
return -code error "expected policy name"
puts "replacing policy: $policy"
ios_config "file prompt quiet"
ios_config "no event manager policy $policy" ""
exec "copy $source$policy $destination$policy"
ios_config "event manager policy $policy"
ios_config "no file prompt quiet"
To use the script, follow these steps:
  • Save the script in a .tcl file (for example, changePolicy.tcl)
  • Change the script parameters (remote host and local storage)
  • Save the .tcl file to your router's local storage (you can also run it from a remote server)
  • Configure a command alias, for example alias exec eem tclsh flash:changePolicy.tcl testPolicy.tcl
Now you can replace the target EEM Tcl policy with a simple eem command.

Alternatively, if you define alias exec eem tclsh flash:changePolicy.tcl, you can specify policy name as an argument to the eem command, for example eem testPolicy.tcl.


  1. Need help on tcl compiler. I am using visual c++ 6.o and tcl8.5.8. Not sure on how to proceed. Please advise. Thanks
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