ITNOG 7 Wrap-up

I attended ITNOG 7 last week, and thoroughly enjoyed a full day of interesting presentations, including how do you run Internet services in a war zone by Elena Lutsenko and Milko Ilari.

The morning was focused primarily on BGP:

Want to know more about RPKI and ASPA? Check out the Internet Routing Security webinar, including the additional information links in the webinar materials.

No event would be complete without a presentation or two about out-of-this-world hyperscaler technologies. This time, Massimo Magnani introduced gRIBI (real-world I2RS twin using gRPC as the transport protocol), and Colin Whittaker talked about custom AWS switches1.

Last but definitely not least, my friend Roman Dodin had a lovely containerlab presentation, giving me a few ideas how to do a better job introducing netlab 😉, and Paolo Lucente & Salvatore Cuzzilla introduced yet-another next-generation streaming telemetry solution that made my head spin.

Finally, ITNOG stands for Italian Network Operators Group, so unsurprisingly the presentations of Italian speakers were in Italian. I probably managed to get the gist of most of them from the slides, but then there were some presentations like the accelerated virtual networking presentation by Samuele Pilleri where based on the diagrams I would assume it wasn’t bad, but even the slides were in Italian, so whatever.

Is it worth attending ITNOG? Absolutely if you’re speaking Italian. Probably even if you’re not fluent in Italian2. Will I be back? You bet.

  1. Their presentations weren’t online when I wrote this blog post. Check the event page for more details. ↩︎

  2. Keeping in mind Bologna is a nice city, the food is great, and the Ferrari, Lamborghini, Ducati, and Maserati museums are not far away. ↩︎


  1. The presentations are now online and thanks for donating some of your time to our community.

    You are welcome back anytime!

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