Site and Host Multihoming
ChatGPT explaining multihoming
Not bad for a statistical text-building engine; now for the details. Site multihoming is usually implemented with provider-independent address space and BGP (details in Redundant BGP-Based Internet Access part of September 2022 Design Clinic).
- Multihoming to a Single ISP
- CE-to-CE IBGP Session in a Multihomed Site
- Alternatives to IBGP within Multihomed Sites
That’s way too complex for small sites which usually use NAT-based tricks in IPv4 world.
Unfortunately, those tricks don’t work very well with IPv6:
- Lack of IPv6 Multihoming: the Elephant in the Room?
- IPv6 Myths
- Small Site Multihoming in IPv6: Mission Impossible?
- IPv6 Provider Independent Addresses
- We Just Might Need NAT66/NPT66 (and Not LISP)
- IPv6 Multihoming Without NAT: the Problem
- Anyone Can Get IPv6 PI Space – Buy More RAM and TCAM?
- To ULA or Not to ULA, That’s the Question
- IPv6 Renumbering – Mission Impossible?
- There’s a Problem with IPv6 Multihoming
- The Next Chapter in IPv6 Multihoming Saga
- Why Can’t We All Use Provider-Independent IPv6 Addresses?
- Design Clinic: Small-Site IPv6 Multihoming
Site multihoming is just part of the whole story. In some scenarios we need multiple connections between servers and the network (see also: Redundant Server-to-Network Connectivity).
- Running BGP on Servers
- Sysadmins Shouldn’t Be Involved with Routing
- Host-to-Network Multihoming Kludges
- Multihomed IP Hosts
- CLNP and the Multihoming Myths
- IPv6 Static Addresses and Renumbering
- Path Failure Detection on Multi-Homed Servers
Finally, it’s worth mentioning that the multihoming issues SHOULD have been solved in the session layer, and that MP-TCP is a good first approximation:
- TCP/IP Lacks a Session Layer
- iOS uses Multipath TCP – Does It Matter?
- Multipath TCP on Software Gone Wild
- Saved: TCP Is the Most Expensive Part of Your Data Center
- Repost: Using MP-TCP to Utilize Unequal Links
- Telephone System Is a Bad Example of Hierarchical Addresses
- Multihoming Cannot Be Solved within a Network