Dual-Stack Security Exposures
Dual-stack exposures were the last topic Eric Vyncke and myself addressed in the IPv6 security webinar. They range from missing ip6tables on Linux hosts to unintentional split-tunnel VPNs and missing access classes on Cisco IOS devices.
Recent posts in the same categories
- Worth Reading: The IPv6 Agnostic Blog
- New IPv6 Documentation Prefix
- OSPFv3 on Bird Needs IPv6 LLA on the Loopback Interface
- IPv6 Support for Multiple Routers and Multiple Interfaces
- Repost: The Benefits of SRv6
- Unintended Consequences of IPv6 SLAAC
- Video: Internet Routing Security (DEEP 2023)
- Worth Reading: The Evolution of Network Security
- SR/MPLS Security Framework
- Worth Reading: Cybersecurity Is Broken
- Is BGP TTL Security Any Good?
- Video: Outages Caused by Bugs in BGP Implementations
- Updated: Impact of IP Fragmentation on Tunnels and Encryption
- High-Speed IPsec on Snabb Switch on Software Gone Wild
- More PCAP Challenges from Johannes Weber
- New: Metro- and Carrier Ethernet Encryptors Market Overview
- Just Out: Metro- and Carrier Ethernet Encryptors Market Overview
- Evaluation Guide: Encryptors for Metro and Carrier Ethernet