Configure and Monitor IP Event Dampening
Articles » Increase the Stability of your Network » Configure and Monitor IP Event Dampening
The IP Event Dampening is configured with a single interface-level configuration command dampening [ half-time reuse-threshold suppress-threshold max-suppress-time [ restart penalty ] ] (the default values assumed by Cisco IOS are summarized in the next table). You can change as many parameters as you wish; if you specify a different half-time period and don’t specify the maximum suppress time, it’s four times the half-time period.
Parameter | Default value |
half time | 5 seconds |
reuse threshold | 1000 |
suppress threshold | 2000 |
maximum suppress time | 20 seconds |
The dampening command can be applied only on physical interfaces; IP event dampening does not work on subinterfaces or virtual templates. The events triggering the dampening penalty include a change in the interface state (loss of carrier) and the line protocol state.
There are two confusingly similar commands that monitor the IP event dampening feature: the show dampening interface displays an overview of the IP event dampening configuration and the show interface dampening displays the actual status of every interface where the IP event dampening is configured.
router#show dampening interface
2 interfaces are configured with dampening.
1 interface is being suppressed.
Features that are using interface dampening:
IP Routing
router#show interfaces dampening
Flaps Penalty Supp ReuseTm HalfL ReuseV SuppV MaxSTm MaxP Restart
0 0 FALSE 0 20 1000 2000 80 16000 0
Flaps Penalty Supp ReuseTm HalfL ReuseV SuppV MaxSTm MaxP Restart
0 2245 TRUE 33 15 500 2000 60 8000 500
The IP Event Dampening feature generates no logging messages; the only means to detect when an interface has been suppressed and later unsuppressed is through the debug dampening interface command.