1. Which approach does Arista use?
    1. Arista supports VXLAN routing on the 7150 switch, which is based on Intel FM6000 chipset. Obviously FM6000 doesn't have the same hardware limitations as other more popular chipsets.
  2. Excellent Video. All of your sessions should have those animations very good to visualize the process. I like the Cisco "purpose built" solution. Where is my whitebox;)

    Any thought or future posts considering the following:

    And utilizing any of the options of an Intel XL710 10/40 gigabit Ethernet chipset?


    1. The second part is easy: http://blog.ipspace.net/2015/02/performance-of-hypervisor-based-overlay.html

      I have no opinion on Geneve (the encapsulation), apart from "why do we need yet another encapsulation?" Once I see a real-life use case I might start forming one.

      Kind regards...
  3. Ivan,

    The problem referred in the video is because of routing done at dest VTEP. If the solution is architect-ed such a way that routing is done at source VTEP and bridging at dest VTEP then we may not hit the problem at all. We may have to deal with different problem (ARP scaling).
    1. Absolutely true... as I explained in the first blog post linked to from this one ;)

      And yeah, ARP scaling will eventually kill you if you use distributed routing approach in large deployments.
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